Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > Boring > Must Have Looked Really Bad

Must Have Looked Really Bad

I have mentioned before how I now am wearing makeup and fixing my hair when I go to work. I used to just put my hair in a ponytail or bun thingy. Well I had one of my friends there comment on how pretty I looked now. Today I had a customer tell me that! She was an elderly lady who apparently has been in my line before. She was just so sweet.
I have crazy hair. Its naturally curly and thick. So when it is hot, I don't wear my hair down. Sometimes I straighten my hair. I like the look of straight hair but right now it shows off my gray hair. I have not had time to color my hair. I noticed I have this wierd patch of gray in the back. Its not from root to ends, its like a blob of gray. So probably tomorrow while I am home I will color my hair. Still need a trim badly!
This is all so very interesting I am sure! LOL
the bad bunch - There is a group of people at work I have labelled the bad bunch. When I go out on my break, (to smoke) and they are there, I hate it. They talk about everyone else, they swear like sailors and they are all women. I just sit there and pretend to be deaf and dumb. I don't like people who talk about others constantly. It gets old quick. And how can they have real friends if they talk about everyone behind their back?
My two buddies I have not seen all week! Our schedules have not corresponded at all. I hate that, they are the highlight of my day. In case I haven't mentioned it here, they are two brothers. They also are in tae kwon do with me and Kota. John is the older brother, 27 , and is also an asst instructor. I told him last night if I didn't know him outside of class, I would hate him. He is a torture instructor. Not only did we do 20 pushups and 20 situps, but we also ran laps around the dojang. Running is not my thing. Jacob is the younger of the brothers, early 20's. When I take my break and he is out there we discuss movies, martial arts and any crazy thing that pops in our heads. They both make sure to stop by my register to say hi or to pick on me.
Last night was killer at class. The warmups were hard, although I did persevere. I can handle the pushups but the situps I did about 15 to their 20. The running, I stopped one time and walked for a half a lap and continued jogging. Then we worked on our forms. And proper stances, which I was not doing right. They like to keep us in the most painful stances for the longest time. And you don't dare stop doing the stance. Its all about discipline and pushing yourself. After class the Master did compliment me on doing so well. I was also the only adult in the class. LOL
Well if this hasn't bored you to tears, nothing will. Just the goings on in my life. I am off tomorrow, have to work on Kota's costume, pay bills, etc etc etc... I hope to get a nap in! I don't think I go in Saturday until the evening. so it will kind of be like having two days off. In my mind anyway, and thats all that matters.

posted on Oct 30, 2008 2:34 PM ()


There better be pictures, Mary
comment by turftoe331 on Nov 2, 2008 4:04 AM ()
That is okay and not your problem.It is just one of the expression that
I dislike.Like I said no pun to you.I understand this very well.
comment by fredo on Oct 31, 2008 8:49 AM ()
Good morning Mz. MAry
comment by grumpy on Oct 31, 2008 8:11 AM ()
Wehave all had those kind of co-workers. When I was quite young, I worked with a group that told "bad" jokes. I hated them and never took part. Well, I became their "boss" and the first thing I said in a meeting was that I never wanted to hear another of their jokes. Ha!! So they would all gather in a corner and talk quitely - then I got to wondering if they were joking or talking about me. You can't win them all. Ha!!! Nena
comment by nenah on Oct 31, 2008 7:33 AM ()
don't worry about those old "bitties" at work Mare... it's gonna be like that no matter where you go. At the quilt shop we have a few "snobby" women to talk about other folks....critque the quilts that come in, etc. Me, I keep my mouth shut and try to say something nice and positive or I don't say anything at all. So it goes....
comment by cindy on Oct 31, 2008 6:47 AM ()
I always like hearing about your life. It isn't boring. I used to work with a group of teachers who always talked about the teachers that were on vacation. One day, I told them that I wasn't taking a vacation because I knew they would tear me apart while I was gone. They just laughed, but I am sure that is what happened. Not that I cared... their opinions didn't mean anything to me.
comment by anniel on Oct 30, 2008 10:49 PM ()
You're doing great in class. You need more practice.
comment by stiva on Oct 30, 2008 8:31 PM ()
I bet you look great! I am not sure how you ladies do it. I am too lazy to do the makup thing. I could never be a drag queen.
It always seems like there are people who have to be negative and talk about everyone. I am glad you are able to stay away as much as possible.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 30, 2008 7:15 PM ()
Not as boring as you think, it's like a quick visit to get caught up.
comment by troutbend on Oct 30, 2008 7:03 PM ()
I have a hard time with people who find their thrills in talking about others behind their backs. If it were me, I would just smoke in my car...
And kudos to the woman who made your day by telling you how pretty you looked! Now THOSE are my kind of people!
Nite Mary
comment by greeneyedgemini on Oct 30, 2008 5:38 PM ()
perception is reality right?
The bad bunch... that just sounds funny! Sorry your friends haven't been working with ya though - that does make it harder!
Sounds like class is a pain! But worthwhile pain hey?
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 30, 2008 3:39 PM ()
You're making me tired, Mary!I hope you have an awesome Halloween!
comment by janetk on Oct 30, 2008 3:35 PM ()
well all of this going on,go out and treat yourself in getting hair done.
The other thing is I know that they all say it,but I do not liked it.
This is no pun to you.I have the statement in saying deaf and dumb.
Just do not like that phrase.I know that a lot of hearing people say this.
But it does hurt them.
comment by fredo on Oct 30, 2008 2:44 PM ()

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