Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > Time to Update

Time to Update

I have really not been online much the last several days. I think it was burn out or just plain tired. I know you all must be dying to hear how things are going. lol
Work first. Yesterday I went in at 8. I was greeted by my least favorite CSM who greeted me very enthusiastically and told me she really appreciated me coming in and all of my hard work. I gave her the look, one raised eyebrow, and asked what I would be doing. She had me on the cigarette line, 10 items or less, so you get very few customers. But that wasn't the cause for the greeting. All but two cashiers had called out. Yesterday we had high wind warnings and rain during part of the day. I just looked at her and said what a bunch of wusses.
Weather next. yeah that wind was super crazy yesterday. Walking across the parking lot was a chore in itself. It was pushing me around and I am not a light weight. And not just was it windy, it was cold. Cold enough that we had to turn on the oil furnace in the house. Surprisingly, keeping it set at 65 keeps it pretty toasty in here and we turn it down further at night.
Nanny Stormy. I sort of kind of have a nanny now. lol My future daughter in law moved in here on Sunday as I explained previously. Well she is looking for a job but with no car its kind of hard. So I offered her a position. She can watch kota after school and we will pay her what we paid the boys and girls club. She jumped at it! So I just have to call the transportation dept and talk to them at the boys and girls club. And my future daughter in law's first name is Stormy, isn't that cool? I have enjoyed getting to know her better. I already liked her but now I really like her. Oh and did I mention she likes to clean??? I came home one night and all the dishes were done! Today while I was off I worked on laundry, she washed and put away dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Oh my, I am loving this!
And in other news.... On my last blog I mentioned having to work 6 days in a row and a couple people mentioned I needed a foot rub. Well out of the blue last night Kota offered to massage my feet. He ran and got my special foot lotion and did a wonderful job.
I have been a little down this week. I blame most of it on not getting enough rest. But also some of my old mental thoughts have been creeping in at work. How no one really talks to me much. But then I see how some of the cashiers really kiss alot of butt with the CSM's and that just isn't me. I overheard one CSM discussing the butt kissing, and laughing. If I am not acknowledged for the work I do, I will not lower myself to butt kissing. And actually, they are pretty nice to me at work. I have a pretty good schedule. I mean, I am off for Halloween and Kota has a couple days off from school coming up that I also have scheduled off. I didnt' ask for it, it just happened.
We are going to class tonight, haven't been this week simply cuz I was in zombie mode. maybe it will help perk me up. Either that or I will attack the instructor for his torture tactics.

posted on Oct 29, 2008 12:09 PM ()


Wow... a live in nanny who loves to clean, and a boy who offers foot rubs without being asked... sounds like the sweet life to me! I don't blame you for not kissing butt. Your work should always speak for itself... butt kissers are pathetic in my books.
comment by mellowdee on Oct 30, 2008 8:28 AM ()
Hey Marbear, it's been awhile! Sorry you've been down lately and tiredYou should treat yourself to a pedicure or something, it only tickles a little bit And lucky you, now you have a built in nanny yay! BTW- what did they do with their dog? He was such a cutie pie
comment by starlite on Oct 30, 2008 6:44 AM ()
Sounds like you need a good couple of days off to just rest and have 'you' time. That's great about Stormy watching Kota! Hang in there at work. kel
comment by hopefields on Oct 30, 2008 2:10 AM ()
i like the name stormy. i like different names to. when we name kara you very seldom heard that name. glad you have some days off with kota. enjoy halloween with him.
comment by butterfly1969 on Oct 29, 2008 5:41 PM ()
Could you please send Nanny Stormy to my house? Kota can come, too!We had wicked weather here, too...winter is on it's way!Kick those thoughts out, Mary. I adore you. You ARE quite fantastic.
comment by janetk on Oct 29, 2008 2:12 PM ()

Stormy is such a cool name.
comment by mrsstu on Oct 29, 2008 2:08 PM ()
We all have these days.
comment by fredo on Oct 29, 2008 1:23 PM ()
Oh, enjoy class tonight.
comment by stiva on Oct 29, 2008 12:51 PM ()
Stormy staying with you sounds like a good deal.

Our daughter goes to the boys and girl club too. A week or two before school started this year, they mailed or called to say that their rates were changing this year and the fee was going to be pro-rated based on the combined income of the parents, verified through pay stubs and the rate could be as high as $400/mon. Last year it was $40 for the WHOLE YEAR and this year it can be up to $400/mon! That's a 1000x increase. We were NOT happy, but stuck with no other option
comment by stiva on Oct 29, 2008 12:50 PM ()
M'lady, I am exhausted and all I did was read about your schedule. Now, I feel like a total jerk for whining about things being too busy for me.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 29, 2008 12:49 PM ()

you crack me up. I hope you start feeling better soon! I know what ya mean though - sometimes those thoughts just creeeeep in!
sounds like Stormy is WONDERFUL to have around! How great for you!
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 29, 2008 12:21 PM ()

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