Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Parenting & Family > Motherhood > I Hate Bullies!

I Hate Bullies!

My son Dakota is in the 5th grade. He is a big boy, tall and also overweight. But he is the kindest child you will meet. He relates to adults better than children his own age. In first grade we had bullying issues with him. He was the victim, not the bully. It's funny to say his bully was a little girl but she was vicious! They rode the same bus and were in the same class. She slapped him on the bus, for no reason, and also called him all sorts of name a 1st grader should not know. The school and it's officials disappointed me. They labeled my son the problem and did not like that he was acting out in the classroom. They even videotaped him during one day, with my consent. The problem was the camera was always off when something happened to make Dakota react. 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade went smoothly.

This year Dakota has been sick alot. Stomach problems, nausea and diarrhea. I would keep him home and then be mad when it appeared he was suddenly all better. This morning I asked him to get dressed. He had already come downstairs complaining of not feeling well. He got very upset, to the point of crying. That's when it came out that he is being bullied. Nothing physical, just being put down and made to feel like he is not human. He had told me of one incident at lunch time where a group of kids didn't want him sitting at their table. The one bully started it and the other kids just followed along.

I was mad at myself for not recognizing the signs. I went through this myself throughout school. I immediately called the school and left a message for the counselor that I wanted to meet with her. I kept Dakota home. We went in at 11 this morning for a meeting with the counselor, assistant principal and the behavior specialist. I told Dakota he had to do the talking, he had to tell them what he had been going through. He was afraid to tell because he did not want to be labelled a tattle tale and go through even more bullying. The assistant principal was wonderful. He coaxed Dakota into telling him what was going on. He said they were all shocked when the counselor told them this morning that there was a bullying issue. They reinforced with Dakota to never be afraid to say something to a teacher or other person. The behavior specialist was going to pull the bully out of class and 'give him a talking to'. I chuckled at that because this guy is big! I had Dakota dress in school uniform just in case he decided to stay today. The counselor said she would take Dakota to class and make sure everything was all right.

I was very impressed with their handling of this situation. They didn't laugh it off as kids will be kids. They took it seriously. I think because I relayed how he has missed alot of days this year because of this situation. I know that feeling of dread of having to go to school where it feels more like a prison. When we got to the office the counselor asked Dakota if he had anything to say to me before I left. He looked at my with those big blue eyes and I could see the apprehension. So I gave him a big hug and told him I love him. He smiled and said, I love you too!

It is past time parents started raising their children right. They need to be more accepting of all people, to not put someone down because of their race, size or just because they are quiet. There was one time we were out shopping and Dakota saw a mentally handicapped person and made some dumb remark about him. I pulled him aside and had a talk with him. I told him it's easy to pick on someone who is defenseless but how would it feel if it was him. Or someone he loves?

I am very anxious to see how the rest of his day went. Personally I want to go to this kid's parents and wring there necks! I always blame the parents because where else do kids learn their behavior from? Like the little girl in first grade, she called Dakota a faggot. What do 7 year olds know what that word means? They don't. They only hear their parents use it on other people.

Next year is middle school. That's where all the bullies seem to grow and expand their base of operations. I am hoping to get Dakota involved in some kind of sport to help his self esteem. He has already said he does not want to play football, but there is soccer and baseball! I think being in sports would help with his self image and also help with his weight. My stepdaughter has already said if this issue is not resolved, she will be going in to the school. Believe me,they don't want that. No one messes with her little brother!

posted on Jan 17, 2012 10:25 AM ()


I'm so sorry that Dakota has had to deal with this, and I do hope things will improve after the intervention with the school. I'm glad he got the support he needed to speak up. Proud of him!
comment by marta on Jan 22, 2012 12:22 PM ()
Schools are only now addressing the bullying problem because of the higher incidences of suicide and frustrated children and teens taking guns to school. Too may of the kids who went bezerk and shot fellow students were bullied and ostracized by other the other kids. While many of these bullies bring some of this from home, over half come from secure, ordinary homes and are mimicking other children- not their parents. They are approaching that age when how they are perceived by their peers is more important than what their parents think. (And often, parents don't know!) That is why schools must take a more proactive role in putting an end to this. They are there- they witness the bullying and other bad behavior. Poor Dakota! I hope things improve for him.
comment by dragonflyby on Jan 21, 2012 12:11 PM ()
Good luck with handling all this.
comment by solitaire on Jan 19, 2012 6:09 AM ()
It's good that the school's counselor and assistant principal, et al, did not avoid the problem. Is Dakota's schedule so full that he couldn't join a gym? Or go to a gym to swim? That would do a lot to stabilize his weight.
comment by tealstar on Jan 18, 2012 6:08 AM ()
the main issue is money for joining gym or taking some kind of athletic class. we both used to do tae kwon do but the school closed down. I might look again into activities that don't cost alot. I even thought about just getting us some roller blades!
I was very impressed with the people at the school. I had similar issues before and we were treated as if my son was the problem.
reply by elkhound on Jan 19, 2012 5:22 AM ()
This can ruin a kid for life if it is allowed to go on. There have been a
lot of suicides because of this issue. Kids are cruel and they have a pecking order but you have done the right thing and I am glad the kid
comment by elderjane on Jan 18, 2012 4:30 AM ()
i think now that Dakota knows he can go to someone for help without fear of being even more teased will help alot. And since this has worked out, I have no more problems getting him up and ready for school in the mornings.
reply by elkhound on Jan 19, 2012 5:24 AM ()
Bullying is such a tough issue to deal with. One of the reasons why it occurs so much in that it seems to be a victimless crime. It is rare for adults (teachers and parents) to notice that it is taking place, and often the victims aren't comfortable speaking up to get the help they need to stop the situation. Meanwhile, it causes all sorts of phsyical and emotional challenges. Poor Dakota! It is great that he has you! He will get through this and learn that he is a wonderful person no matter what other people say.
comment by trekbrarian on Jan 17, 2012 1:19 PM ()
When he got home from school I asked him how it went. He said the kid apologized to him and was nice to him! wow! hopefully we won't have anymore of this pretending to be sick. I felt so bad for him! We had a local high school senior commit suicide this past week, so tragic! I feel as a parent we have to be hyper vigilant in any change in our child's behavior.
reply by elkhound on Jan 17, 2012 3:06 PM ()
this is going on everywhere.Even though you hear about the big issues on this.
Bully will be with us forever It is not going to changed but it will be still around.
I am sorry to hear about Dakota this is very tough and I know that you will be there for him.
Hope by this something works out.I for one never had this kind of problem or was not aware if any.I know in my days never heard of this or seen it.Of course this was a different time for me.
First he has to work something out.You told us or I think that he took Karate class and doing well whatever became of this.No,I do not want him to beat everybody but to take care of him self.Maybe he needs to excel in something.What is it?then take it from there.
How about his self image,does he smile a lot.Get involved in some sort of volunteering?
There are many choices out there.If he is not good at sport then maybe some other field.
Find it what he is good at it.Bully will never or ever go away in this time.
You either have to work on this or overcome it.
Middle school could be tough and he need to get ready.He should not lose anytime in school.
No one and I mean not one should not deprived education.
Did you get a chance to talk with the parents?this may help and find out what is the problem with this young girl.I always think this comes from he or she background .They have problem and need to work it out.Have you talked to him about growing up,sex,things that he will have to faced.A lot of if and what and how to established what to do.
Do the right thing,to not be harsh,just find out who to turn to.
Talk to Dakota and I not they you do and try to work something out before he get to High School.
Good luck and wished the best to both of you.There is someone out there to help this young man.Wow!did I say all of this.That is because I have Mike who is a social worker and a very good one.He does not work with children mostly adult.Work with children when needed.
Now they have cut back on fund to help them.Things are tough.You will be and look fro answer.
Okay,I better stop and just hope that this matter turns out fine with you.You are loved by friends of mybloggers and they will try to guide you somehow.
comment by fredo on Jan 17, 2012 11:55 AM ()
thank you Fredo! bullying has really changed even since I was in school. Kids have become more vicious. Is it because both parents are working and they don't have enough time for the child? I don't know. I only know that raising my son is the best job I have ever had. We will work on activities he can get into to lose some weight and build his confidence.
reply by elkhound on Jan 17, 2012 3:08 PM ()
Bullies need to do time in jail or in reformatories. I suggest they spend a month of their summers there, being re-educated.
comment by hobbie on Jan 17, 2012 11:49 AM ()
I feel the same way! and the parents as well!
reply by elkhound on Jan 17, 2012 3:08 PM ()
There will always be bullies but at least today in most schools the adults recognize what is going on and deals with it but not all do.
comment by greatmartin on Jan 17, 2012 11:45 AM ()
sometimes the teachers are not aware of everything, with classes being larger and so much going on, they can't keep their eyes on everyone. we had a local girl commit suicide this past week. She was gay and I have to think it had to do with bullying. It is so tragic!
reply by elkhound on Jan 17, 2012 3:10 PM ()
Wow. Poor Dakota... Kids are mean, that I know. I remember when I was one! It's a problem though and I feel for your little man. He certainly doesn't deserve to be treated meanly for being who he is. I hope his day went ok!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 17, 2012 11:16 AM ()
the kid apologized to him! Didn't expect that! we shall see how things go. at least now dakota shouldn't be scared to tell someone. kids are horrible nowadays!
reply by elkhound on Jan 17, 2012 3:11 PM ()

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