No not for kota, for pepper the beagle! LOL Soldier son wants me to bring pepper over to play with his puppy, Rambo. Pepper will love it. good thing its a short drive cuz Pepper is a maniac when she gets to go somewhere. Have to find her harness so I can buckle her in. I am taking my camera cuz I know there will be some crazy pics to take!
I imagine class tonight will be very rough. We skipped last night to go to fair and we ate tons of junk food! That is my favorite part of the fair, all the good junk food. And I have never drank so much soda in my life. We normally don't have soda at home but it sure tasted good last night!
going into panic mode for the trip. Have some shopping to do. Thursday I will do all the last minute laundry and packing. And guess what we discovered,we don't have a suitcase! Maybe I should double up on my anti anxiety meds! lol
I better go get the dog and the kid ready for the playdate! This should be totally funny. Pepper doesn't play with our rambo, he is too old for playing. so she will be totally psycho.