It was a busy weekend. We went to the fair Saturday night. They have a new thing where you can buy an unlimited rides bracelet for $25. A pretty good deal since most rides take at least 4 tickets. Kota experienced the big rides this year and that kid has no fear! He rode one roller coaster with daughter's boyfriend. They also have a bigger roller coaster that he rode with Daddy. After every ride we heard, that was so awesome! lol He was so excited to walk up to the post where they measure you and he would pass everytime.
Yesterday we had a bbq at my inlaws. It was the annual VFW bbq they do. Well this year they invited some guys from the Home of the Brave. Thats a shelter for homeless vets here. They help them find jobs and get a place to live and basically get on their feet. They were pretty cool guys. Of course soldier son was there. He had a flag he brought back from Iraq and he presented it to these men. There was not a dry eye in the yard. The men were overwhelmed at his generosity and soldier son got choked up as well.
My father in law had his neighor roast a pig for the bbq. This guy is such a character! He is from Puerto Rico and the whole time he was cooking he was sipping on his moonshine. lol He made us a drink, I forget what he called it. But its something they have at Christmas in Puerto Rico. It was tasty but too strong for me. Kind of like eggnog but with a major kick.
I think tonight we might go back to the fair. I did not get my dose of all the animals there. Although when we went Saturday I had a goat who was in love with me. Not sure if I had food on my hands but he would not leave me alone. Hubby said I was not allowed to bring any home. lol Me and hubby have a contest to see who runs into the most people we know. I did not see anyone I know! Well except for hubby's sister and her husband but that didn't count. Hubby saw about 4 people he knows. And kota saw a bunch of his friends.
Today I am trying to get laundry done in preparation for our trip! ACK! We leave Friday! I can't believe its finally here! I have been looking forward to this for 6 months! I also have some shopping to do. The boys need some new clothes for our trip. Plus I still have to find a portable dvd player!
I will take my camera tonight and get some more pics from the fair like I usually do.