the crazy heat and humidity are here and its that time of year for us, the state fair started thursday night. And its always super hot for the fair. And we are guaranteed to have a good thunderstorm while it is here too. I think we are going to go there tonight. One good thing, with all this exercise I should not get tired walking around. And my knees have not bothered me since I started tae kwon do!
I would like to ask all of you to keep LizzieAnn in your prayers. She is the mom of Jenn, texastar on here. She is in the hospital right now. Check Jenn's blog for the latest update. We all know dear Hazel and she is a much beloved member of our community. She always has encouraging, inspirational posts. Jenn is truly blessed to have her as a mom! And also keep Jenn in your prayers as well. This is very stressful for her and we all love our Jenn too!
Also stop by teacherwoman's blog. A little girl she knows is missing and Deb could really use some love right now.
Less than a week till our trip to michigan. And I finally get to meet a blogger! Jondude is on the way and we are going to meet up! wooohooo!