Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Health & Fitness > Allergies and Class Tidbits

Allergies and Class Tidbits

My allergies have kicked into high gear. not sure why. But every morning I am getting up with lots of congestion. ugh!
Class last night- One of the high belts was put in charge of warmups and stretching. I really liked his style of teaching. He really makes sure you are doing things the proper way. At one point he told us to tuck our shirts in. lol I wear one of the tee shirts they have but I never tuck it in. For some reason I think it disguises my weight. When we did our forms he corrected my stance. He does not do it in a bad way either. He tells us we should be doing it the right way. Part of our warmup was doing our different kicks. Each time I finished he told me I was doing good. So he equals the correction with praise, a good style. And I appreciate being told what I am doing wron or what I need to do better! The Master instructor then taught us new kicks, they were killers. Still a little sore this morning. But it is amazing how this class is changing me mentally as well as physically. I feel stronger about myself, more self confident! If I get the chance I would like to tell that high belt how I appreciate his style of teaching.
I can't believe its Thursday already! This week is going fast! This time next week I will be doing final preparations for our trip! I should start making my list of things I need to pack! I always do that and it works out well. I have never forgotten anything important, knock on wood. Daughter will  be taking care of our animals while we are gone. I just hope Rambo cooperates with her. He won't go potty when hubby walks him! He is definitely a mommy's boy. lol

posted on July 17, 2008 7:27 AM ()


Allergies here too..something is floating around out there and it doesn't like me..
comment by elfie33 on July 18, 2008 9:41 AM ()
from time to time we have a different instructor from within the association, I find it different, sometimes harder, but I also find it nicer to get teaching in a different way. It kinda opens your mind more, helps you develope more of what you really need. I don't know if this is right but that's how I feel when someone else teaches. It's refreshing in a way too - a change from the norm
comment by lynnie on July 18, 2008 7:16 AM ()
Yep, I always make a list too before we go on a trip. Glad you are enjoying class. I hope you feel better with the allergies. I know how that is. Things are crazy here. Mom went back in the hospital this morning. We are going up to see her this evening. I am tired and haven't done a lot today. I think it is the stress. I will let you know. So far they think that Mom may have blood clots in her lung. I appreciate your prayers. Right now, just waiting for Nathan to get home from work. Scott is already home. If it isn't the blood clots then it is infection in her lungs that they can't get rid of. Don't know what is going to happen. We have already been calling family. This isn't a good situation. Thanks for your prayers and thoughts Sis. I am taking my book with me of phone numbers to the hospital so, I will call you when I know something.

comment by texastar on July 17, 2008 2:08 PM ()
I am having the same problem with my allergies. I hate it!
The week is flying by here, too.
Enjoy the trip.
comment by lunarhunk on July 17, 2008 10:04 AM ()
and too cool that class is giving you confidence!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 17, 2008 9:17 AM ()
Wow... it's amazing what an activity like that can do for your confidence.
comment by mellowdee on July 17, 2008 9:10 AM ()
I'm sure your instructor would appreciate the compliment. Hey, wouldn't it be great if every time you do something correctly in class you got a treat? A tootsie roll? Oh well....
comment by marta on July 17, 2008 8:58 AM ()
The dog won't go potty for your husband??
(Control Freak, )
comment by shesaidwhat on July 17, 2008 8:50 AM ()
N excuse the spelling- my keyboard at work is shot!
comment by starlite on July 17, 2008 7:58 AM ()
Sounds like ur getting a good workoutMabe 'll try and g wth a when u get back from vacation it sounds like fun!!
comment by starlite on July 17, 2008 7:58 AM ()
How freakin' happy am I that when I finally get the chance to pop over and visit you, I read that you're feeling stronger and more confident?!That's great, Mary!And a trip?! What trip?! I have to get reading!I've missed you...
comment by janetk on July 17, 2008 7:51 AM ()
I got up thinking itr was Wednesday. When the garbage came I jumped up to see - it comes on Thursday - and wondered if they had changed days without telling us. Poor me!!! Then I picked up the paper and SURPRISE it was Thursday.

comment by nenah on July 17, 2008 7:42 AM ()

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