Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Life & Events > I AM Not Rocky

I AM Not Rocky

Did you ever see that Rocky movie where Apollo Creed was training Rocky? The part where he was teaching him to bounce on his feet? Yeah, thats what we were doing in class last night. It was killer. Not only bouncing but moving forward, backward and side to side. I am surprised my calf muscles are not screaming today. I am going to try and stay for two classes tonight. The first class seems like the beginner class where the second class they really work on alot of different things. I had a little buddy last night. Miguel. He is about 5 years old and the cutest little boy ever, he has a smile that will melt your heart. Well he decided it was his job to keep me in line. lol I was trying not to laugh but this kid is something else. After class I went up to him and gave him a big high five! I was the only adult in that class, another reason I want to try the second class. There are more adults in it. LOL
I have now learned my defensive moves and one step sparring moves. When you learn all of your forms you get stripes put on your belt. I am hoping I get my stripes soon!
I finally got a good nights sleep last night! I don't feel like a zombie today.
Kota has a new job, keeping the living room clean. He is loving it cuz he gets to use the vacuum cleaner. hey anything to get him to help. His reward yesterday was I took him over to see his big brother. They were shooting pellet guns and big brother was really explaining to kota about guns the proper way to treat them. I even took a turn shooting it. Instead of hitting the target, which was pretty big, I hit the pole of the clothesline. LOL
Enjoy your day!

posted on July 16, 2008 7:42 AM ()


I'm convinced that I would have to be in rehab after the Rocky action you describe. But I'm proud of you for being able to do it! You and Kota will have to keep practicing together while you are on vacation.
comment by marta on July 17, 2008 8:52 AM ()
Great job Mary for hanging in their for the second class. You're really into this and it's great.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 17, 2008 8:49 AM ()
I don't understand why your club hs seniors and juniors mixed in one lesson??? don't tey have a senior lesson where adults and high grades train together?
comment by lynnie on July 16, 2008 12:09 PM ()
So cute about the 5 year old keeping you in line!Can you send Kota over to my place to vacuum? That's the one job I hate...
comment by mellowdee on July 16, 2008 11:18 AM ()
I am so glad that you finally got a good night's sleep. You must be thrilled!
That is so cute about Kota getting excited about cleaning his room. His wife will love you later on.
comment by lunarhunk on July 16, 2008 9:18 AM ()
guns scare me!!!!
too funny on the rocky analogy! Kudos to you for sticking with it!!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 16, 2008 8:25 AM ()

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