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Southwestern Woman

Fashion & Style > The World

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I just read Fredo's post about Gov. Christie and it made me
mad as hell. Are we such a nation so focused on externals
and so superficial that a fat President would be offensive.
Every night, I look at a prominent newscaster and marvel that
he is so thin that he looks as though he has no shoulders.

This is not sour grapes. I just lost thirty pounds and it
and it was a painful process. I have a lot more energy and
am enjoying a new wardrobe but I look about ten years older.
I am the same person fat or thin. I have always said that
it is the inner you that is really important. Do you stop
loving someone because they are no longer attractive? Are
we putting our children in toddler beauty pageants and torturing them because we are so ego driven?

I grew up in a Southern culture that placed great value on
beauty and all the avenues to it. My great grandmother was
a beautiful woman and she imparted all the processes to us.
We grew up with egg white masks, protection from the sun and
sage tea rinses for our hair. You had an obligation to look
your best at all times. Did that make the inside person any
better? Of course not.

The important values such as kindness, compassion, morality,
loyalty, intelligence and common sense and a sense of humor
have fallen by the wayside. Now it is all glamour, glitz
and glibness.

I was so proud of America for electing President Obama and
I thought we were making progress. Now the powers that be
want to discriminate against fat. Do they not realize that
sometimes there is a genetic and glandular predisposition to
over weight?

posted on Oct 4, 2011 5:39 AM ()


I'm curious and interested in reading it - especially after his comment on this post. I tried to find the post and can't. What's the title? I agree about outward appearances - not important in my book - except for cleanliness and smiles.
comment by catdancer on Oct 19, 2011 10:21 PM ()
I know all about obsession with/ discrimination against fat- or just overweight. All of the men over sixty on dating sites are looking for slender, well-built women. Will have to read Fredo's post next. I started my 'catch-up' with yours.
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 6, 2011 6:32 PM ()
Thanks for good thoughts, Jeri. I'm coming out of my imbalance fog without meds ... As I responded to honeybugg, Cristie is not dropping out because of a lack of lust for power, although he perhaps is not as crazed by it as some. The basic reason is he started too late -- he'd have to play insurmountable catchup, and it's good he listened to his advisers because he would have spent himself on a no-win.
comment by tealstar on Oct 5, 2011 8:08 AM ()
I agree....external appearance should have no bearing on wheather or not a person is qualified for the job. I mean, Dubya was thin and so wasn't Poppy Bush and look what moronic incompetent wienies they turned out to be. Gov. Christie announced today that he was definitely not running, and was going to finish his term as governor of "Joizy". I have more respect for him for taking this stand and resisting the lure of higher least for now.

yer "retaining water" pal
comment by honeybugg on Oct 4, 2011 3:28 PM ()
Cristie listened to his advisers (according to news analysts I've been listening to), who told him that he was getting in too late to mount the comprehensive primary and election strategy that was necessary and to raise enough money to support those efforts to be successful. Campaign strategies start early these days.
reply by tealstar on Oct 5, 2011 8:04 AM ()
I know sweetie. It has been a revelation to me at how the moral ideal is
thin, vapid and blonde.
reply by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 4:11 PM ()
Same thing I said on Fredo's post, I don't understand how looks play any part of being President. We should be looking at skill and knowledge first and foremost! It almost makes you want to go back to the times when there was only radio hey?
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 4, 2011 1:16 PM ()
That is sort of funny...back to radio. Honestly I get so tired of tv and
I feel guilty because I am a fan of Diane Sawyer because she is pretty and
elegant and smart.
reply by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 4:20 PM ()
Good post and some interesting comments.I am sticking by our President.
Do not want to let him go with bad choices out there in the Republican party Fat or thin do you still love me.
comment by fredo on Oct 4, 2011 10:14 AM ()
Now is not the time to let Obama go. Now is the time for him to be a
stand up guy that uses every ounce of the power he has.
reply by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 4:21 PM ()
Superficiality has become the new American norm. Fat, ugly, black, skinny, whatever.
comment by jondude on Oct 4, 2011 7:11 AM ()
I suppose I am a tad superficial but you cannot hold a disability against
anyone or their color or their looks. We all know pretty people have an
easier time of it in life.
reply by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 4:26 PM ()
first, so sorry Ted is still struggling. You are in my thoughts.

I focus on fat and ugly only when the inner person is fat and ugly, then any physical attributes are fair game. Elsewise, looks don't matter (except of course in the world at large, they will gain you favor or deny you favor, as in job hunting and the romance market). I grew up wanting to look good and be fit, and it has served me well, so I am, personally, not calling this effort shallow. It is easier to move through life looking good. I am not knocking it. And my personal self-view has never prevented me from putting it aside when I needed to because others needed me. As for Cristie, I do have a problem with over-indulgence. He doesn't come across as a hapless physical specimen who is a great guy and would serve the country well. He comes across as a self-indulgent guy whose main goal is to get into power. Time will tell. If anyone is going to be president, don't we want him to take care of himself so he can last while in ofice? The demands of that job ages everyone. Cristie is likely to keel over from cardiac arrest once the pressure starts.
comment by tealstar on Oct 4, 2011 6:32 AM ()
Since he has renounced the whole business of running, I can't agree that he
is power hungry. What a horror if slim Texas Gov. Rick Perry would get in
office? God help us all! to you and I hope you are feeling better.
reply by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 4:17 PM ()
My concern for Gov. Christie is for his health, especially after his heart incident this summer.
comment by marta on Oct 4, 2011 6:12 AM ()
Perhaps that is why he was so adamant about not running.
reply by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 4:29 PM ()
I must have gotten on google by mistake.
comment by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 6:10 AM ()
Your reply is above JJ.
comment by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 6:09 AM ()
I will stick it out with Obama even though I think he has not been a strong
President but if I had to choose a Republican President it would sure be
Cristie and not the hate mongers. I need my energy now because Ted is in
a wheel chair and hardly has the strength to do anything. He is frantically
trying to lose weight but the inactivity holds him back. Personally, I
think his main problem is to exposure to agent orange for l3 months in
the jungle in Viet Nam.
comment by elderjane on Oct 4, 2011 6:09 AM ()
I didn't read Fredo's post yet, but I have seen articles about fat-governor syndrome. It's amazing that such talk can take off with a third of the population over-weight and obese. I don't know enough about Cristie yet, but there are no other republicans that I could consider voting for (besides, I just put the 2012 Obama bumper sticker on the truck yesterday). But as a person of plumpness, I don't want to hear any talk of discrimination based on a love of food.
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 4, 2011 5:56 AM ()

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