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Southwestern Woman

Life & Events > Memory Lapses

Memory Lapses

I go to the grocery store and always forget peanut butter and
trash bags. They are basic and I remember as soon as I walk
in the door with my groceries. Maybe it is a good thing because I would make peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and
I am a cookie monster. If I eat one, then I must have l0 more.

Speaking of cooking, I am going to try Pumpkin soup today.
We are experimenting with a variety because that is about
all Bobby can eat. I will put leeks in it because they will
add flavor and be milder than onions. I need to plant leeks
and chives in the flower beds in the spring. My rosemary
plant is thriving in the cold, much to my surprise. I mulched
it really well. We love rosemary chicken.

Two more months of hard winter left! I will be celebrating
my 83d birthday in March. It doesn't seem possible. I am
so grateful for good health and for the strength to garden.
So many of my friends have departed this life or are struggling with health issues. Even sadder, is the plight
of Celeste. She is physically the healthiest person that
I know. Her husband told me that she loses brain cells
every day and that she has become very high tempered even
though she has been on medication for four years. Her healthy body will keep her a prisoner on this earth long
after her mind is gone. Red's health is poor and he is
just hanging on to look after her, knowing that he is all
that stands between her and a nursing home. I am not at
all sure that living until the century mark is a good idea.

On a lighter note, let me mention the Christmas card that
I got from Jeramey. It was a picture of Sofia who could
easily win a baby beauty contest. She is gorgeous! I
really miss his posts even though we don't agree on many
things. He made a contribution to our group.

posted on Dec 28, 2011 6:12 AM ()


I am aware of my own mortality too. I don't dread growing old. I just hope my mind remains intact.
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 30, 2011 7:37 AM ()
Our winter has been exceptional mild so far. Now, if we can just get through January, we will be in the clear here in the South.
comment by redimpala on Dec 29, 2011 11:49 AM ()
will have try this.Does it changed the flavor some and how much do you put in it?
comment by fredo on Dec 29, 2011 9:21 AM ()
Why did Jeremy stop posting?
comment by jondude on Dec 28, 2011 3:19 PM ()
I think we were probably too contentious for him. His religious and political views are in a minority here.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 4:52 AM ()
I've always had a terrible memory. I used to make lists when I was a teenager.
comment by nittineedles on Dec 28, 2011 10:46 AM ()
I finally put a stick it note on my purse and got those items.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 4:54 AM ()
Never had punt butter chocolate chips cookies.When you have time send me the receipt I like to try that.
comment by fredo on Dec 28, 2011 9:06 AM ()
I will. I just use a peanut butter (crunchy) recipe and toss in the
chocolate chips.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 4:55 AM ()
I tried to grow shallots last summer and they never formed bulbs, but I'm going to try again.
comment by troutbend on Dec 28, 2011 8:56 AM ()
I think shallots will grow here. There is a place in the garage, a shelf
with a light above it where I am going to get some plants started early.
Thinking about gardening is good therapy.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 5:07 AM ()
All I can say is, thank heaven for my iCalendar, my computerized grocery/shopping list, timers and post-it-notes!
comment by marta on Dec 28, 2011 8:30 AM ()
I am sitting here in my new nightie that reminds me of you. It has coffee
cups on it...some latte, some cappuccino, some espresso. It would suit you.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 5:12 AM ()
My memory is like that too sometimes... I often wonder which is worse - hurting physically (worse for the individual) or hurting mentally (worse for the family). Sad either way.
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 28, 2011 8:28 AM ()
It is hard to see your friends lose their smarts and it would be even harder if I start losing mine. Ted is not practical.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 5:18 AM ()
Yeah I think about the heavy stuff, particularly after my sudden drop this past year. Hoping to get past it, hope it's just a readjustment stage following cessation of hormone therapy. Worked so hard this past week that am "enjoying" a mild relapse. Oh, foomf. My teacher, Sophie, lived one month short of her 100th birthday and only in the last 18 months of her life was she in need of total care. She was still volunteering at a soup kitchen at 98. My hero.
comment by tealstar on Dec 28, 2011 8:27 AM ()
It is nice to relax and put the holidays behind us. Your body has to get
used to being deprived of the hormones. I think you are doing beautifully.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 5:21 AM ()
Age crept up rather slowly. I don't remember having any age-related issues until I was in my fifties. Then I noticed when I survived the age (53) at which my father died. Then I noticed that I have to write things down and use new methods for remembering things--moving eyedrops from one side of the shelf to the other as I use them (and I use them 3x a day). Then I realized on 26 December as I began to undecorate the Christmas that one of these Christmases will be my last. I can't remember when I started thinking about how much time I have left, but it is a fact of life now that I do think about it. Some geezers just seem to keep going on without a thought, making plans, maybe they just don't say out loud the things I think.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 28, 2011 7:52 AM ()
We need little tricks to help us remember. I could hardly ever remember to
use our tax exempt card so I started putting it in the front of my other
cards. I have always thought about my own mortality. I prefer to think of
it as going to sleep forever and as being restful. Three of my best friends
who were all three brilliant can hardly write their names now. So sad.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 5:35 AM ()
Few people are posting nowadays. You would think they have more time. I do. Stay warm.
comment by solitaire on Dec 28, 2011 6:16 AM ()
The weather here has been nice. In the forties and fifties and sixties so
I haven't felt shut in.
reply by elderjane on Dec 29, 2011 5:36 AM ()

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