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In the Toliet
In the Toliet
I am about ready to throw up my hands and give up the good fight. The battle with the cat and dog hair, the litter tracked all over the floor, food scattered around the food bowl, and keeping all the inside and outside furry critters happy is driving me absolutely crazy! I'm losing my mind; I swear I am!I try to be as Janet and little Michael, courageous and bold. I try to have the patience of Jenn and Hazel. I seek the wisdom and understanding of Joan. I need Mary's ability to cope. However, I find myself without courage, patience, wisdom and the strength to cope. I have read such wonderful inspirational pieces--thank you Strider, but I fail miserably in finding that inner peace and beauty right now. I have read of the many trials that some are enduring, and I tell myself that I have so much for which to be thankful, but I sink lower into that murky dismal mood. Why am I such a whiner?On a different note, my daughter's bum of a husband has another radio job in Plainview, Texas. I guess they haven't done enough research on their new employee. Hubby gives him about three weeks or so before he does something stupid there. Grandson has been messaging me on myspace and wants to come home as soon as he gets them moved. He is finally seeing the bum in a realistic way. Whether he will make it back or not remains to be seen. I know that he worries about his mom, but he will never have any life whatsoever until he gets away from them. Grandson told me that he and his mom have pawned everything of theirs, but the bum has been holding onto his treasures. What a piece of work!I don't know how he will get back and forth for trial dates, for Plainview is quite far from Greenville. I wish that they would put the bum beneath the jail! No, I have absolutely no compassion for that scumbag at all!Whew, now I feel better since I have vented and whined my heart out. I think that I might find a little of Janet's courage, Jenn's patience and Mary's coping skills. Thanks, guys! I needed that!
I left out Joan's wisdom and understanding, for it will take more than venting for me to achieve that!
posted on June 7, 2008 7:03 AM ()
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Thoughts like these, and about a quart or so of Capt. Morgan, seem to take the edge off from time to time.