I am doing my spring-fall cleaning and have come to a realization that I am not the woman that I used to be!
At one time, I considered myself the engine that drove the train--like superman--able to jump tall buildings, faster than a speeding bullet, invincible. However, I can no longer fool myself. I am old, weak---lazy?? I can't seem to maintain the same level of performance that I once achieved. Boo Hoo!
I have washed the walls in two bedrooms and a bathroom, have cleaned all woodwork and all decorations adorning my walls. I have mopped the floors of all said room, washed curtains and dusted. All is smelly good and looking very tidy! If I can continue this pace, I may be finished in time to begin my spring cleaning! Oh woe is me!
Of course, my mirror has tried to tell me this wicked truth, but since I have covered all of the mirrors in the house with black drapery, I have lulled myself into a false sense of youth and vigor! Reality has hit hard on this Southern Illinois hill.