Poor, poor Mother Nature! She is as confused as our "illustrious" statesmen; She doesn't know whether it is summer or fall. For a few days, She thought that fall had arrived: the temperatures were down right chilly while the leaves and vegetation started exhibiting the first shades of fall colors. Then, it was summer again with the temperatures resembling the dog days of August and the grass calling out to be mowed while the trees were flash frozen in their beginning stages of color.
As I was exercising this morning, the sky opened its faucet and torrents of rain fell giving the thirsty Earth a much needed drink. Now the temperatures have once again become cooler and the combines rest in the half-harvested fields, patiently awaiting the arrival of a clear sky and the farmers to once again put them to use.
I don't know if it is my imagination or wishful thinking that is making the trees appear to be deepening their colors before my eyes. Hopefully Mother Nature will soon get her act together and set the stage for a glorious fall.