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Livin' Life Large

Life & Events > Reflections on the Past Week

Reflections on the Past Week

As you probably know, I stick to a rigid routine of cleaning. Mondays and Fridays, I vacuum and dust, straighten bathrooms and clean glass. On Tuesdays I dry mop all the floor with End Dust and tidy; Wednesdays I do bathrooms and kitchen; Thursdays the same as Tuesdays. That my routine during the week. Of course, I manage to do laundry, keep the cats' room nice and tidy, cook, bake, and exercise.
This week has had some variation. Reni had to spend Wednesday night at the vet's and had his surgery on Thursday. I was able to pick him up after 2 pm. He did very well and is running around like a wild man. I don't think that he realizes what the vet did to him. I'm waiting for his meow to reach a higher pitch. I think that I have been more affected by his surgery than he.
Then, of course, there has been mega hours spent watching CNN and Headline News and writing emails to my congressmen. It seems, however, they didn't check their mail. I have been in such a state that I have been unable to read blogs or visit my favorite sites. It is useless to let myself get so very upset with the powers that be. I enjoyed reading Buggs' take on the national affairs, for she stated so well what I had been feeling. I also appreciated all the comments on my plea for help in understanding all this mess. Thank you,  Stephy for helping me to gain perspective. I do know that further bankrupting the nation and devaluation of the dollar even more can only cause greater hardship.
Enough of all that. It is the weekend, a time to enjoy. I hope that all of you have a great one.

posted on Oct 4, 2008 6:30 AM ()


I solve the cat hair on furniture problem with a wet washcloth. It lifts it off when you scrub...just don't get it too wet. Black clothing as well.
Things are in such a muddle.
comment by elderjane on Oct 6, 2008 8:02 AM ()
I actually did very well. I was very surprised!! Of course there are train trams throughout the park you can ride and the Texas Sky-Way you can ride to go to one end and then ride it back so you don't have to walk so far. It really worked out good I was pleasantly surprised. I was tired and we were in bed asleep a little after 9:00 p.m. that night but, I felt fine yesterday and today. Quite amazing!!
comment by texastar on Oct 5, 2008 12:32 PM ()
I'm looking for help in understanding the mess as well. I have tried to research it and see what came up, but I haven't found a whole lot of information. Have a nice weekend!
comment by hopefields on Oct 4, 2008 11:32 PM ()
All I can say is that my brain has been run ragged trying to keep up with the news. Glory, what a week! I'm trying to rest this weekend, too. Who knows what craziness next week will bring?
comment by marta on Oct 4, 2008 7:05 PM ()
Come what may, we'll muddle through one way or another. I too am upset with the state of things; but we can't change it, so we will just have to figure out a way to live with it.
comment by redimpala on Oct 4, 2008 3:45 PM ()
you enjoy your weekend and if you ever get week off my house could use a scheduled cleaning to. lol
comment by butterfly1969 on Oct 4, 2008 1:06 PM ()
busy sound like me
comment by panthurdreams on Oct 4, 2008 10:34 AM ()
I love that photo on this post!
And you're a housecleaning whiz, I admire that. I try to keep things dusted, but by the next day things are dusty again. As for the financial
mess, some people are on edge--I asked my pharmacist what he thought of
the bailout plan, and he exploded! Lot of pent up anger there.
comment by susil on Oct 4, 2008 10:15 AM ()
I contacted my Congressman too for all of the good it did. In my last post I have a song, the lyrics, and at the bottom a wolf in sheep's clothing. The picture represents those that appear to be someone or something they are not. Many of them are in Washington from *both parties* bunch of deceivers and crooks!!

Sounds like you had a good week. We went to the State Fair yesterday and I will post pics. of it later. Have a good weekend Angie.
comment by texastar on Oct 4, 2008 6:39 AM ()

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