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Wicked End Of The Stick

Entertainment > Humor > Temporary Insanity ... I Hope ...

Temporary Insanity ... I Hope ...

Well I am here thinking about a nap. I am going to stuggle threw and force myself to wake up. I have been sleeping my life away. No caffiene, no smoke, no wine, no reason to be awake.

But what about your family? Well you know what I like them much more when I have a smoke in my right hand and a coffee in the left. They are absolutely the best with a couple of sips of wine. Now looking at them sober, much, much to sober I am not sure about them or me. We are all pretty irritating.

I read all these recent posts about wine. Oh man I can not even tell you how that feels. I am like the little kid with my face smushed up against a store window slobbering over a puppy!! Come on give me the puppy I just wanna pet it.

Writing was funner with a cigarette at the ready for me to step out and ponder things on the porch looking at the stars, or with a glass of vino relaxing me enough to giggle away.

I have to stop thinking about what I can not have. It is making me think about sucking on old corks and perhaps holding up the coffee shop down the street. "GIVE ME THE BEANS AND NOBODY GETS HURT! Oh and I would also like a onion bagel toasted with cream cheese on the side please."

I almost tore the head off a meter maid yesterday. I live in a residential area and all of a sudden I see this dude in one of those little carts putting a ticket on my windshield. I flew out there like a true witch and said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" He was an older guy and had a very smug look on his face and said " You have blah, blah, tire curb crap." I had parked facing the wrong direction. I told him "I HAVE LIVED HERE FOR THIS LONG AND THIS HAS NEVER HAPPEN EVER BLAH BLAH SNIDE CRAP!" He said "Well there is a first time for everything." I said "YOU MUST HAVE A LOT OF TIME ON YOUR HANDS!!!!" He smiled and said "I sure do lady." Thats when I lost it "BLAH BLAH I SHOULD TURN YOU INTO A YOU SO AND SO NO GOOD BLAH BLAH!"

He drove off and I stormed back into the house and cursed some more thinking about smokes and coffee and wine. Then I sat and cried for about two minutes. Then I snapped to it and locked the door, closed the shades and hid feeling like a disorderly mischievous citizen about to be found out. I fell asleep under a pile of blankets on the couch.

Oh well I had a laugh about it last night with my sister Moses. We often share our "temporary insanity" stories and laugh at ourselves and each other. I am sure that Mr. Parking Patrol had a good laugh about it sharing with others about the crazy lady that went bananas on him. It really was a win win situation.

Well come November I will be able to write about dirty diapers and sip wine and everyone will be safe.

posted on Mar 14, 2008 12:11 PM ()


This is a GREAT post! Being a diabetic, I TOTALLY understand the siren call of forbidden fruits! (Okay, I just have ONE Tootsie Roll Midgie right now. I'll take five out of the bowl, but I'll only eat one a day...Never works.)
I also understand having to deal with idiots whose ENTIRE universe is wrapped up in their meaningless little jobs! Sometimes, it's a really good thing that I don't own a firearm.
comment by hayduke on Mar 18, 2008 9:52 AM ()
I understand the cigs and the wine, but why the coffee? I've read several reports lately that says coffee is good for you in moderation!
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 17, 2008 9:56 AM ()
71/2 months to go!!!! you can do it and it will just add more humor to your stories that I can't wait to read! I'm just glad I don't live with you. I would be crying every second of the day right along with you. Take care...Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do? Goodie goodie goodie too-shoes! That is Adam Ant in case you didn't know that!
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 15, 2008 12:01 AM ()
comment by elderjane on Mar 14, 2008 10:53 PM ()
Oh boy! You're going to worry yourself sick girl ((hug)).
comment by gwensgifts on Mar 14, 2008 7:01 PM ()
You also have hormonal issues on top of giving up all your vices. Not good combinations
comment by redimpala on Mar 14, 2008 6:12 PM ()
Such a funny post! At least you haven't lost your humor without the coffee, wine, and cigarettes fueling you. A guy I know made a mockumentary called "The Delicate Art of Parking" which is about the plight of meter maids. I think they are paid to get sh*t on... and if they didn't like it, they'd find another job. Hope the ticket wasn't too much!
comment by mellowdee on Mar 14, 2008 3:31 PM ()
Isn't pregnancy fun!
comment by imaginaryfriend on Mar 14, 2008 2:22 PM ()
There have been a lot of posts about wine lately. I noticed that.
Eat lots of chocolate? I can't do that due to the diet... you are supposed to be growing though
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 14, 2008 12:44 PM ()
I flipped out on a security guard at a casino once for IDing me. I was only 19. But pregnant. Poor guy was scared to death.
comment by meranda on Mar 14, 2008 12:42 PM ()
yes we are all irritating, aren't we? I used to think about the stuff hubby does that really irritates me. then I would also think to myself, well its a good thing I am so perfect and have no faults. that usually brought me to my senses. please don't hold up the coffee store, they won't let you come back after the baby is born!
comment by elkhound on Mar 14, 2008 12:29 PM ()

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