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Wicked End Of The Stick

Life & Events > Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Every morning there are a few things I do:
1. coffee, decaf now boo...
2. email
3. read blogs
4. read the local newspaper letters to the editor

I read the letters to the editor to see what people locally are thinking about, or even more what they are not. Sometimes I get annoyed and write a response letter that is not sent. I usually am able to have my venting done without ever pushing send. This letter really got me going:

Race, gender not a factor

To the editor -- Re: The Feb. 11 letter, "Hello? Oprah." It is no wonder our country is in the mess we are in with regards to electing a president. I would hope that nobody would vote for Hillary Clinton simply because she is a woman anymore than someone would vote for Barack Obama simply because he is black.

I don't care what race or gender you are, I am more interested in what you are going to do for me as an American citizen who pays taxes, struggles to make ends meet, who can't afford health insurance. Not to mention, (because it wouldn't be politically correct), a president who will actually do something for me, an American. A president who will protect our borders, be interested in the Americans who are here, who have fought in wars to make the U.S.A. We are the forgotten ones. We are the minority in our own country. So for me whether you are a man, or a woman, makes no difference.

Why is it that we can print anything a "minority" wants to say but for pete's sakes don't print what a regular old American who has paid the dues to claim the title of "American."

Ms. Patnode

I wrote a response and without even thinking twice hit send. Well that fateful letter made the paper today. Here it is:

No less American

To the editor -- I found Ms. Patnode's March 1 letter to be at the least offensive. I do not understand Ms. Patnode's assumption that minorities are less American than anyone else.

Minorities' history in America has been all about paying dues. This great country was built on the backs of minorities. I am confused by the way Ms. Patnode is confusing minority with illegal. From her article, one would assume that she considers non-whites not regular old Americans. I have a wake up call: Not all Americans are white and we pay our dues and we love our country. Minorities have fought in every single war the United States has ever been involved in.

Minorities deserve the same respect as any other American. We pay taxes and struggle to make ends meet and can not afford health insurance because we are regular old Americans. Our country is extremely diverse. The thought that only whites are true Americans is an outdated backwards way of thinking. All races need to come together, pull their weight and try to make our country the best that it can be.


What can I say I was upset by the derogatory way Ms. Patnode used the word minority. I am sure when Ms. Patnode caught a glimpse at my letter she wanted to kick a minorities ass, not just any minority ass, but mine.

Sometimes you have to speak up no matter how uncomfortable it is. We Americans need to be able to embrace each others differences instead of feeling the need to judge who is the bigger and more traditional American.

We should not have to claim we don't care what color someone is or that we are "color blind", it does not help the situation. Our color, culture and ethnicity really does define our experiences. It is just so much easier in life to be able to share our experiences instead of deny any differences and think we should all feel the same.

Well I think I have started rambling, I better get to bed.

posted on Mar 11, 2008 10:15 PM ()


I think you did great
comment by elfie33 on Mar 14, 2008 4:35 AM ()
Good post,must say this is getting boring.
I do not care who become prez.For goodnesss sake can we leave
the gender out of this and get on with the election.
There is always someone out there complaining.
This is there way to get some sort of attention.
A hell of way that is.
closed the mouth,vote for who you want and go back to bed.
How easy is that?
comment by fredo on Mar 12, 2008 10:01 AM ()
Great letter -- good for you! Some people are just so unbelievably ignorant, it's unreal. I've read more than a few letters to the editor that have made my blood just boil. A couple years ago when BC was been ravaged by wild fires, someone wrote into the paper to say that it's God's wrath for us passing the law that allows homosexuals to get married. I wish I would've thought to write a letter in response like you just did. Glad to hear your letter was published.
comment by mellowdee on Mar 12, 2008 8:38 AM ()
Good job!
comment by jondude on Mar 12, 2008 5:34 AM ()
You did what we should all do...take the time to exercise our right of free speech. Great post.
comment by gapeach on Mar 12, 2008 1:13 AM ()
Great letter and you should be proud of yourself for speaking your mind.!
comment by frogfenatic on Mar 11, 2008 10:42 PM ()

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