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Wicked End Of The Stick

Life & Events > Relationships > My Fairy Tale

My Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a little lost Witchy. She left home too early to start her own life with absolutely no direction. She thought she already met her prince charming at sixteen so as soon as she graduated she ran off with him. Little did she know his horse was borrowed and soon she would be carrying her suit case in one hand a two children in the other walking on the side of the road. The prince had rented his charm and when he could no longer afford the payments he returned it to the merchant and settled for a six pack of beer.

The prince soon became the evil troll and guarded the bridge and hid Witchy and the kids under it. He was mean to her and would beat all of the magic he could out of her. Soon she was a shadow of the Witch she once was. Her wand went limp and her spells were weak. The troll would tell her things like "No one in the world would want a pathetic witch like you."

The news came that Witchy's father the King was dying. She went to be by his side and he told her "You must make up your mind, marry the troll and be miserable forever or leave him for good. It is the only way I will be happy." She felt torn she only knew the underside of the bridge. It was her sad little home.

The King died. Witchy decided it was time and when the troll went to fetch more beer Witchy packed up her kids and ran for the hills. The troll searched and searched and Witchy was no where to be found.

Witchy found salvation in those hills. Life began to blossom and she started to figure out who she was and who these children were now that they had the light of the sun shining on their faces. She tried to forget the evil lies the troll told her about herself, but the scares still were bright red and a reminder of her misfortunes.

It took nearly a decade and several mistakes and do overs for Witchy to finally feel like a real Witch. She finally got rid of the demons that hid in her cupboards and cast all away. That is when Witchy found that one demon had left a seed with her that she must tend.

She was back to square one with two children and one growing in her womb. All alone she felt that it must be the final nail in her coffin. She never dreamed this would be her life. She cried every day and tried every spell she could think of.

She finally sat and had a conversation with the King that had passed years before. She told him "Please father let me know everything is going to be ok."

Witchy went to her first day of her new job and she sat in the lobby watching other new hires come streaming in. She sat there looking into this crowd of people and all of a sudden there was her Prince Charming.

He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. His shoes oh his shoes were the best. She thought to herself "There is my prince. If only I were not pregnant. IF ONLY HE WAS THE FATHER!"

As the group entered another room to begin orientation she grabbed the chair right next to the Prince. He had the kindest eyes and he caught her staring at him. He said "Hi" and Witchy said "Hi I am Witchy." She tried to keep the small talk going as long as possible. It was clear to Witchy this Prince is looking for a Princess, not an old Pregnant Witch.

This made Witchy figure oh well at least they could be friends. The Prince soon became Witchy's very best friend. Little did Witchy know that the Prince was not looking for a Princess but a Witchy in distress.

He would stop by her house every single day and bring Witchy things she needed and would sit to talk with her for hours. This made Witchy feel awkward. She had never encountered a man some much like the King.

She knew to be cautious. She had met many so-called Princes that became frogs, trolls and demons. She would hide from the Prince at times of doubt and he would not give up. He vowed his friendship forever and swore to Witchy he would wither if he could not be around her.

Soon the pregnancy became theirs. His hand on her stomach would make the baby jump and kick. The day came that the baby was coming. She called the Prince to tell him the news. He jumped on his horse and arrived at the hospital glowing. When the baby was born Witchy and the Prince shared their very first hug.

That night the Prince held Witchy and their son in his arms. Witchy finally could close her eyes and think of ever after.

Now five years later Witchy and the Prince are having another baby to add to the collection. The Prince never lost his charm and he carries the entire family with pride and love. Witchy feels like a new witch her spells are strong and her potions always hit the spot. The kids have forgotten the underside of the bridge and feel the comforts of a real home and a real father. They all lived happily ever after.


posted on Apr 9, 2008 1:21 PM ()


Oh, that is by far the nicest fairy tale I've every heard. I especially like that the Witch wins in the end, instead of getting shoved into the oven by the children.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 14, 2008 4:24 PM ()
I love this story. How wonderful.
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 10, 2008 10:12 AM ()
Superb. Fairy tales do come true. You rock!
comment by jondude on Apr 9, 2008 8:49 PM ()
I love your story hun your a great writer
comment by elfie33 on Apr 9, 2008 8:04 PM ()
Such a great read. You have it all in your story--drama, intrigue, hardship, personal growth, love and a happy ending. I am so very happy for you, your children, and your sweet prince.
comment by angiedw on Apr 9, 2008 5:00 PM ()
Great story and I love how it's told
comment by gwensgifts on Apr 9, 2008 4:50 PM ()
Great story...we live and we learn hopefully and we move on...
comment by strider333 on Apr 9, 2008 3:59 PM ()
I love happy endings, now pass the tissues! and give the Prince a hug just because he rescued the poor witchy!
comment by elkhound on Apr 9, 2008 2:41 PM ()
awe!!! Lovely story! I am so glad your dad suggested you get out!
Great fairy tale indeed!
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 9, 2008 1:41 PM ()
Is this your story?
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 9, 2008 1:28 PM ()
Very touching. You are blessed.
comment by meranda on Apr 9, 2008 1:27 PM ()

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