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Wicked End Of The Stick

Life & Events > Boring > What Golden Girl Are You?

What Golden Girl Are You?

My sister Moses, my mother and I decided a long time ago some day we were going to be the Golden Girls. We decided to pull in a third party into our Golden Girl dreams which is one of my best friends from childhood Wally.

Then the fight was on! What Golden Girl are you? Every single one of us wanted to be Blanche. Blanche is the sexy promiscuous one. She was our idol as teenage girls.

Now technically speaking Moses was the most like Blanche at the time. The only reason being she was the only one of us that had had sex. She would come home after being out and spill all the beans and it made me and Wally totally sick. We were virgins that thought Moses was going to for sure burn in hell.

Anyhow Moses was the only one having sex but we pretty much knew that she was more of a Rose. They are both the ditsy nice ones. Moses did not like it but we threw her out of the race for Blanche.

At the time I being a shorter stature than Wally it made all the sense in the world that she is Dorothy and I am Blanche. She never accepted being Dorothy and it has come up several times over the years.

This evening I and Wally were chatting and the whole Golden Girl saga came up and I finally had to look at all the facts and realize that I am Dorothy. Dorothy?

I have to be the logical Dorothy. It is not like I just turned in to Dorothy over night, I fear I have always been her. Wally on the other hand has always been Blanche. I was always in the background watching her wild life. I not only have been the one watching, but also the one with all the logical advice.

All these years I convinced myself that I was Blanche just because we are both on the shorter side. What a joke. I use to use the excuse that I was waiting to have my good wild time when I am old. I was going to be an old slut, Excuse my French.

Well it does not look like it is in my cards. I will still be me when I am old. I will still be logical, not unless I turn batty, which these days happen more often than not. Even if that happen I do not think I am going to be a crazy old SEDUCTIVE lady. The chance is very thin. Now Wally she just might. lol.

I will be the crazy old lady still trying to tell you where to go and how to get there. Dang too bad women only get menopause and not the male mid life crisis! Oh I wish I would be driving a corvette and slutting it around town. But nope when the time comes for the change I don't think it includes a Corvette! Does it?

So now which Golden Girl are you?

posted on Apr 12, 2008 8:56 PM ()


I absolutely LOVE the Golden Girls! My favorite show! And I'm Blanche dahling!
comment by artisticgypsy on Apr 15, 2008 1:08 PM ()
I think I'd be Dorthy's mom... the shortest of the bunch who comes out with the little sarcastic jabs when you least expect them.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 14, 2008 4:28 PM ()
Can't relate. I did enjoy the show, however!
comment by solitaire on Apr 14, 2008 8:22 AM ()
I watched Golden Girls all the time. Now that I think of it, why were teenaged girls watching a show about middle aged and older women?? I'd have to be a Dorothy too, or maybe her mother!
comment by imaginaryfriend on Apr 13, 2008 10:19 AM ()
comment by strider333 on Apr 12, 2008 11:31 PM ()

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