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Teal's Modest Adventures

Parenting & Family > Pets > Things to Be Annoyed About ...

Things to Be Annoyed About ...

Let me preface this post to say that none of these problems are unfixable and I am not comparing our predicament with people who have real problems, like the survivors of the Sandy storm. I know we are lucky.

It was time for Brunswick’s blood analysis to be sure his Phenobarbital meds for epilepsy are keeping level and not damaging his liver (which is a concern with this treatment). Meanwhile, Chewy had a rash on his back and has been over-shedding (during the “winter” season – and that is really odd), so we took him as well. Also Chewy’s daily pattern has changed and he is not hanging with us in the bedroom at night and that is always a sign to look further.

At the end of the day, Brunswick is okay but they both have fleas up the kazoo and that is what is causing the shedding and a few sores here and there. That means that Max, whom we left at home, also must have them. And although they are not outdoor cats, they do go onto the pool deck which has some plantings and that is apparently where they can get fleas.

Chewy also has a heart murmer and was given tests and x-rays. The final bill was $950.00. As in almost $1,000, as in “good grief”.

Furthermore, Brunswick and Chewy each got Revolution applied to the backs of their necks – it is a flea and parasite medication and each dose cost $22.50. The “plan” was for us to buy doses for months to come and we said not, that we would buy on line and would the doctor please give us prescriptions and he did, along with a note, a caveat that he would not authorize any future prescriptions to any on-line vendor because they can’t be trusted to provide quality meds – the lesson is buy from me at my price or jump through hoops to continue to get authorization.

He is an excellent doctor and we do appreciate his expertise – he runs a cats only hospital and that counts because cat physiology is far more complex than a dog’s. They are just more vulnerable and things are more apt to go wrong. So we bite the bullet when he wants to do lots of stuff. On the other hand, although tests and other things are worthy in many cases, we wonder if he is overdoing it because times are slow.

I went on line, did some research, got some compelling referrals and chose PetCareRX. They were good – asked a lot of questions about age and weight of the kitties. I ordered the Revolution – they gave me an order number that I had to write on the prescription and mail it in and it is a six-month supply – about $140 cheaper than buying it from Doctor Dollars. For a year, the savings would be $300.

Ed was in a foul mood the whole day, not only because of the costs but because we now have to deflea the entire house – vacuum, spray with a product we bought from the doctor, two cans (it’s a big house), don’t let the cats in the area until it dries, so do one area at a time and confine them elsewhere. Move the king bed (not gonna happen – there is no move space and it weighs a ton) – so we’ll vacuum with a long hose and spray toward the center as best we can.

Move the living room sofa – not going to happen – I can’t, alone, move it one inch. It is oversize and heavy as sin. Again, spray beneath as best as can be done. There is a very narrow underspace.

Include the closets – we don’t have to empty them if the clothes haven’t been on the floor. Launder all fabrics.
I will do most of this and will use Caroline, the cleaning woman to help me. She is from Germany, but has no accent, and is really good and will clean your teeth if you sit still long enough. She was referred by my gtf (go-to-friend), Nadine, because they use the same health club. Nadine doesn’t use her because of the social connection.

Did you know that in the arctic fleas do not die from the cold but go into a hibernation period and can revive years later to plague the odd sled dog? Or all of them?

Compounding matters, something is wrong with my washing machine and I can only do cold washes. There is a utility sink next to the washer, so I think for things I want to disinfect, I can fill a bucket with hot water, and pour it in to the level I need, and then press the cold wash. Best I can do until we get a new washer. Also, I thought we might just go ahead and get two new units because my wish is to have front loading units where they are placed so the doors open away from each other and clothes can be transferred left to right. Very much more convenient than what I am doing now. But all these unexpected costs probably will delay this dream.

I do feel overwhelmed at the moment.

Going this afternoon to have the stitches removed from my left leg. Laig, as we used to say in Chicago. Also going to get a body check to see if there are any more trouble spots. Wearing a hat (bummer) but it is a ladies' Panama and I look like Vogue strolling. I inherited this hat. I don't buy hats.

xx, Teal

posted on Jan 30, 2013 7:25 AM ()


Perhaps because my cats have always been solely indoors, and also with the grace of some plain luck over the years, since fleas can hitch a ride indoors on humans, I have been spared the travail of a flea infestation. I send my true sympathy, dear T. I am so sorry you, Ed and your dear pets have to deal with this. I recall Jondude's mighty efforts when faced with his invasion. I will remember your PetCareRX reference. I have made periodic forays in the world of pet insurance, and am still mystified. I can't tell if it's a racket or not....
comment by marta on Feb 3, 2013 8:45 AM ()
We had pet insurance for my lat cat, Sniff, years ago. We finally figured out, with some supporting evidence from research, that one is better off dedicating an escrow account and putting money into that to use toward vet bills. I don't remember now what the premiums were. We got some reimbursement for care but the details have faded.
reply by tealstar on Feb 3, 2013 9:36 AM ()
Sending a bouquet of healing wishes for your laig, too!
reply by marta on Feb 3, 2013 8:47 AM ()
ruddy hell is what im thinking , we have our dog covered by pet insurance, knowing how much vets charge frightens you. your in winterso bit early for spring clean. habve used a flea kiling bomb from store , just light it close the house up, and go for a drive for a couple of hours ,bye bye fleas
Stitches removed must mean laig is healed, good news there, just came back from docs, blood test normal , just need sugar test in 6 months , its just below the permitted level but not enough to worry about,
comment by kevinshere on Jan 30, 2013 11:04 PM ()
checked with Ed on the bug bomb idea but he said it ruins furniture and we have antiques and the fabrics on early chairs are original too. (No we don't sit on those. -- Makes the living room a museum. But he likes it.)
However, I will suggest a bug bomb for the garage only. Max and Brunzy go in there all the time -- it's their hunting turf since geckos crawl in at the bottom of the door.
reply by tealstar on Feb 3, 2013 9:48 AM ()
will inquire about the flea bomb. what about the animals. they can't be in the house while this goes on -- have to find a place to stash them. yes laig is healing, but the worry was did the new biopsy show any c cells and answer was it is clear. hats and horns.
reply by tealstar on Jan 31, 2013 12:34 PM ()
Your vet sounds like a jerk. I've shop at 1800petmeds.com. Some of the vets at the clinic don't like giving the Rx out but mine doesn't mind. Glad you figured out why the kitties were scratching. Give them kisses from me.
comment by catdancer on Jan 30, 2013 4:22 PM ()
Good grief for sure. Fleas are a plague once they get into your house.

It sounds like the solenoid that switches on the hot water might be bad in your washer. If you get a front loader, watch out for water that accumulates in the door gasket - it gets moldy, and people in humid climates complain about it - black stuff ending up on the clothes, the smell, etc. I did some research on front loaders and decided not to get one for my rental cabin.
comment by troutbend on Jan 30, 2013 12:51 PM ()
I use Petcare RX for all of Rex's medication that I can. I think they have
a medicine that repels fleas to put on a cat's neck. It is safe. Good
luck with the cats.
comment by elderjane on Jan 30, 2013 10:17 AM ()
Besides learning about the arctic fleas I am sure you learned a lot about fleas that you never expected to!
comment by greatmartin on Jan 30, 2013 10:01 AM ()
My sincere sympathy. Had this problem once years ago with a friend's dog. It drove me a little crazy and I threw out a huge area rug which I'm sure I could have treated and kept but my nerves insisted had to go.. Thank goodness that medication they have works very well on pets to keep them gone.
comment by drmaus on Jan 30, 2013 8:09 AM ()
wow!that is an interesting story there and the cost.Hope that things will turned out for you soon.
comment by fredo on Jan 30, 2013 7:45 AM ()

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