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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > So Far, So Good

So Far, So Good

Hi all
Had the stitches removed from my leg yesterday, and the biopsy was normal. Of course I am relieved. However, I must be more alert and change elements of my life style.

I learned that research in the last few years has uncovered a link between breast cancer and melanoma. I was told to tell all of my doctors and my dentist about the melanoma so that they might be aware and check for any possible additional problems in their areas.

I am not allowed to bike for another two weeks. I really miss it. The nurse applied some narrow strips to the site that are supposed to anchor it. I am to do nothing more and let the strips fall off with time.

Then we went shopping and I was in line at the Publix and in front of me a middle-aged man was unloading groceries onto the counter. Then his wife came and added a couple of items to their stuff. And I said to her, “How do you get him to do that? Mine sits in the car.” And she said, “Well, you have to start the training when they are just a puppy … you show them the leash, you take them outside when they’re ready …” She went on a bit, and I thanked her. “It’s just as well,” I told her, “that he doesn’t come into the store with me because he concentrates on the four major food groups: Coke, chips, M&Ms and ice cream. “ “Yes, she said, it’s good that he stays in the car.” Her husband drank this all in with a smile.

I saw them again later in the lot. I was looking for our car (yes I forgot where it was) and I said, “Maybe he left without me,” and the wife said, “Nah, you’ve got the food.”

They made my day.

xx, Teal

posted on Jan 31, 2013 4:07 PM ()


I hate shopping with DH. He wants to take over; push the cart, buy the wrong brands, load the cart wrong, skip aisles he think we don't need anything from, pick up stuff I ain't gonna eat, unload the cart at the checkout. Doesn't he know his only job is to pay for it?
comment by nittineedles on Feb 3, 2013 4:27 PM ()
Ed only comes into the store for items when we go to the large discount store, BJ's. Then we take two carts and meet back at the car. You might try that with DH.
reply by tealstar on Feb 3, 2013 8:31 PM ()
comment by marta on Feb 2, 2013 2:55 PM ()
I have been going back and catching up with your writings. Good news about your laig results. (I live close enough to Cgo to be able to translate.) I have been going to my vets for over 30 years. Now they sold their practice. I am sad. I guess I will give the new guy a try. Love the story about the grocery shopping couple. And Trout's story too.
comment by boots586 on Feb 1, 2013 2:27 PM ()
congrats on the good results there.I loved the story on the gentleman and wife there.
comment by fredo on Feb 1, 2013 11:19 AM ()
Three cheers for good results!! Re shopping, I will go into the store with my wife, but when we're at the register checking out, I walk away 'cause I don't want to hear how much it cost. Stupid, huh?
comment by steve on Feb 1, 2013 9:54 AM ()
I am so relieved that your biopsy was negative. Be a good girl and follow
comment by elderjane on Feb 1, 2013 7:38 AM ()
good smile at the couple shopping , have misplace car at one extra lage shopping centre , couldn't finf the right exit and shopping days i park myself in the library with the newspaper . Cath likes it that way , stops my interfering
comment by kevinshere on Jan 31, 2013 10:02 PM ()
So very glad to hear your results were good. It's so nice to meet someone fun at the store. One time I bought some produce thing that threw the checker for a loop and the woman behind me said "Don't you know you're supposed to pick only the items they will be able to handle?" as if everyone in town knew THAT. And then we had a good laugh, including the checker.
comment by troutbend on Jan 31, 2013 8:10 PM ()
comment by hobbie on Jan 31, 2013 5:45 PM ()

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