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Teal's Modest Adventures

Food & Drink > Sort of a Movie Review

Sort of a Movie Review

“Julie and Julia” was on TV tonight and I watched it. Meryl Streep plays Julia Child and Amy Adams plays a fan who works her way through Julia’s French cooking opus and writes a blog about her journey.

This is a true story with, I guess, some liberties taken as is usually the case. The young fan obsesses over her self-appointed task, nearly drives her husband away, finally shapes up and is then pursued by the media because of her successful blog and the unusual nature of her effort. She then learns that Julia Child, then 90, is not thrilled with her, doesn’t want to meet her or know anything more about her, and least that she has successfully completed all 574 recipes in her magnum opus in one year.

The movie alternates between Julie’s story, the young would-be writer/cook's effort in 2002, and Julia’s own story of being in Paris in the late 40s with her U.S. Information services husband and attending the famous Cordon Bleu school where she learned how to cook. Her subsequent book on teaching American cooks the art of French cooking was ground-breaking. Julie and Julia, in their different eras, are both charming, ebullient, full of enthusiasm and determined to pursue their passion.

I can only think that at 90, Julia, who had lost her husband 10 years before (according to the blurb at the end of the movie) had morphed into a woman who didn’t want to let go and was, in some way, angry at the world as personified by this seeming upstart, “Who are you to think you can be me when I am still me and want to be young again.”

I understand this feeling and have run into it when I have met people I’ve admired who feel angry that they are no longer young and even someone who admires them doesn’t ease the pain. "You have no right to be starting out all full of life and hope when I am on my way out." Anyway, that’s how I interpreted Julia’s refusal to acknowledge Julie, who had adored her and despite this rejection, forgave her.

I hope I am never so mean spirited, although who knows what loneliness and loss, and perhaps also an aging brain, can do to one's personality and sense of self.

xx, Teal

posted on July 14, 2010 9:17 PM ()


I'll pass this "review" on to my sister who wants to see the movie. I've sworn off movies (at present).
comment by solitaire on July 17, 2010 6:20 AM ()
If I had to characterize the movie, I'd say it was more of a woman's film than a man's but it has charm. Did you know that before Julia got her sea legs as a cook and writer, she was an OSS (forerunnr of the CIA) agent? That's how she met her husband.
reply by tealstar on July 19, 2010 11:09 AM ()
I found myself wishing that the whole movie had been about Julia Child
instead of the young blogger. It wasn't jealousy on my part, but I
thought Meryl Streep was doing a fabulous job and that Julia Child was so
interesting as a person.
comment by elderjane on July 15, 2010 5:38 AM ()
haven't heard of this movie --if its not a blockbuster probably wont
comment by kevinhere on July 15, 2010 4:38 AM ()
It isn't Avatar (you'd have to pay me to see it), but it has charm and humor and fleshes out a character I have grown up with and admired. Who wants a blockbuster anyway if the story is all about the special effects and the characters are cardboard stereotypes from the comics?
reply by tealstar on July 19, 2010 11:13 AM ()
The movie was better than I expected, but I just love the book. I got the impression from the book that when Julie and her blog about working her way through Julia Child's recipes became famous and there was talk of maybe meeting Julia Child, it was a case of Julia Child and her 'people' being paranoid that Julia was being made the butt of some joke. She's certainly had some fun poked at her over the years.
comment by troutbend on July 14, 2010 9:29 PM ()

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