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Teal's Modest Adventures

Religion > Reorganizing My Head

Reorganizing My Head

Every once in a while I get truly annoyed with conservative friends who send me E mails (or blog) with typical right-wing propaganda, or cutesy s…, and I have stopped reacting. Sometimes I delete without looking, depending on the subject line. Life’s too short. I am no longer willing to argue with concrete mindsets. Or those who think something they are putting out there nails a flawed centrist position when it is only mawkish, adolescent crap. I picture them masturbating to their latest perfect essay against reason.

It’s my new persona. They can flounder and self-destruct on their own.

And when I think of conservatives, I also think about religion. One of the things about Bach, whose music I mostly love, is that he was deeply religious. I have forgiven him countless times. Sophie used to say that one had to understand his religiosity in order to play him well. But I countered with the theory that if you are spiritual in affect, even without a focus on a divine being that permeates the universe (wait till you here the latest scientific research on alternate universes – daunting), you will hear the quality of the music without subscribing to Bach’s specific religious convictions. Anyway, he didn’t let his Godliness prevent him from screwing his brains out and having umpteen children.

The historical facts are that he married his second cousin Maria Barbara Bach in 1707. They had seven children, four of whom survived to adulthood. Maria died in 1720, and Bach married Anna Magdalena Wickle in 1721. They had a further thirteen children, six of whom survived to adulthood.

That was before birth control. Bach provided the sperm and the wives went to early graves. I do hope they got some pleasure out of the whole thing or was it wham, bam, thankee ma’am? We’ll never know.

I used to think Bach wasn’t really religious and pretended because the money was in ecclesiastical music. But I may have been mistaken because the quotations that survive are all about (choke) God. Hey, nobody’s perfect.

xx, Teal

posted on Nov 16, 2011 5:43 AM ()


I can't imagine twenty births or being pregnant twenty times. No way!!
comment by elderjane on Nov 26, 2011 2:15 AM ()
I've got a feeling the poor wives got the slam bam thank you ma'am route. They did what they had to do, or as I heard in a movie once women were supposed to lie there and think of God and country.
comment by susil on Nov 22, 2011 11:51 AM ()
Loving Bach and Handel the way I do (musically speaking), my atheist mind somehow tunes out the religious overtones (from words to theme). I seldom pay much attention to lyrics anyway. Do you get "Sunday Baroque" on public radio? 4 hours worth!
comment by solitaire on Nov 18, 2011 6:45 AM ()
I say, why apply Earth standards and expectations on a man who was apparently an alien from another region of space, with about five or six hands? That must be how he could play that music.
comment by drmaus on Nov 16, 2011 11:13 PM ()
Any woman stupid enough to stay pregnant long enough to have twenty children shouldn't be allowed to be a parent. She's too exhausted.
On the other hand, I guess having twenty kids is it's own punishment.
comment by stella on Nov 16, 2011 8:39 PM ()
I think that because of all those children at his home, Bach gladly spent most of his time on that huge pipe organ down at the cathedral.
comment by jondude on Nov 16, 2011 6:44 PM ()
Yep, Bach definitely thought a lot of his "organ."
reply by susil on Nov 22, 2011 11:54 AM ()
I have learned just to stay away from the worst of the right wing propagandists on Blogster. I do have some conservative friends over there who blog about a variety of things. I use humor a lot with them, and it seems to work. We have managed to find things we do have in common beyond our differences politically.
comment by timetraveler on Nov 16, 2011 3:12 PM ()
I don't want to take the time to deal with two blogs, so I am sticking with MyBloggers. Blogster seems alien to me now.
reply by tealstar on Nov 16, 2011 3:54 PM ()
'That was before birth control.' And now we have a TV show about a couple who have 19 children with the 20th on the way--and he ain't no Bach!
'Hey, nobody’s perfect.' All I can say is, "Every once in a while I get truly annoyed with friends who send me E mails (or blog) with typical propaganda," and I just ignore it!!!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 16, 2011 7:54 AM ()
That is definitely one show I won't be watching.
reply by tealstar on Nov 16, 2011 11:53 AM ()

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