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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Boring > Different Things

Different Things

There’s a Miss USA contestant video from Alabama making the rounds and a question asked of a number of young ladies is “should math be taught in school”. The answers are so abysmally ignorant that one hopes all these lovelies will never procreate. I’d post the video but I don’t know how. I know some of you have seen it.

Re the Penn State sex abuse scandal, a new accusation has come to light at Syracuse. Now that light is shining on this, it may be that the abuses are widespread at many universities, and that abusers have always been protected because no one wants to rock the boat. Maybe they should put surveillance cameras in locker rooms (and showers). Can just imagine the outrage that someone you trust, who seemed like a mentor to your son, would have deliberately chosen him because a father is not around and he is vulnerable.

After trying to understand Facebook, I am giving up. I see snippets of conversations people I know have with others. They don’t seem interesting as I am seeing them out of context and they are not addressed to me. Anyway, I don’t care to intrude, since often, I don’t know their other friends. I click on my site and most of what I see is very lightweight. It’s sort of like an extended chat room conversation. Rarely a point, no substance. I already know my friend in the Midwest loves her new grandchild. I don’t need to know it many times. I already know the kid is cute, I don’t need to see every one of the hundreds of photos they are taking. I would rather stay in touch by E mail and (yes) phone and I think our MyBloggers exchanges are always about something. There seems to be no way to quit. Does anyone know?

I have had two reasonably good days in a row. Perhaps the nose drops the allergist gave me are clearing something up. I don’t need to know what it is, just please want it to go away. My friend Debbie, from the Frills store, sent me an E mail. She has had her own bad time – had to have surgery to clear a heart stent implanted many years ago that got blocked. Wow. I stopped in to see her today – Ed waited for me while we had a quick reconnect. She knew something was wrong with me, because no one she talks with had seen me walking or biking. With any luck, can walk there tomorrow for a lengthier visit.

Ed and I have been invited to Thanksgiving dinner by a lawyer he is working with. She has a Mason-Hamlin (a rare and wonderful piano) as I do, and Ed told me she has had it tuned just for me. What a kick. But what it means is no wine until after I play it. I hope to get in the zone when I do this – block everyone out, because that’s the best way to get through without messing up.

We bought some wine today to take to the occasion. I am relieved not to be hosting a dinner this year. I am not up to it yet.

Xx, Teal

posted on Nov 18, 2011 1:44 PM ()


The kids put me on face book but I never look at it and probably no one
else does either.
comment by elderjane on Nov 26, 2011 2:19 AM ()
If you are serious about your facebook account, take a look at this page:



Click "Submit" and follow the instructions.

Your account will be deactivated for two weeks, and if you DO NOT USE FACEBOOK IN ANY WAY during that period, your account is permanently deleted.

I REPEAT: Your profile isn't deleted right away! You must NOT log in to, or interact in any other way with Facebook for at least two weeks, as it will cancel the deletion request.
comment by troutbend on Nov 22, 2011 3:04 PM ()
You're a genius. Now that I have the info, I can try it any time. I will wait a while. The concern was that I was trapped and now I know there's a way out.
reply by tealstar on Nov 23, 2011 4:20 AM ()
Re: the Penn State scandal--That old guy is a pedophile plain and simple, and rather than eight boys known to have been molested, I bet there's 1,008! A perve like him ain't gonna begin and end with just eight!

PS my daughter keeps after me to get on Facebook, but I have no desire to know every little detail of someone's life--there's not much privacy left in our lives as it is.
comment by susil on Nov 22, 2011 11:46 AM ()
I think I'll avoid the "math" thingy. Facebook is not for me. Great piano. I'll be remembering how you played Chopin for me! Thumbs up for Thanksgiving!
comment by solitaire on Nov 20, 2011 6:24 AM ()
'someone you trust, who seemed like a mentor to your son, would have deliberately chosen him because a father is not around and he is vulnerable.' That is a pedophile!!!

I feel the same way about FB--I hear about people having these great conversations and I don't see them or know where they are--also it is way too busy for me
comment by greatmartin on Nov 18, 2011 4:17 PM ()
I actually miss doing holiday dinners for family, friends and self. I have no plans. I will probably go to a restaurant.
comment by jondude on Nov 18, 2011 3:42 PM ()
Drive on over to Indiana! We're having the meal on Friday, however. 4 hr drive. You can stay overnight. Seriously.
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2011 6:22 AM ()
Wish you were here.
reply by tealstar on Nov 19, 2011 6:08 AM ()
Good luck and a early Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours
comment by dogsalot on Nov 18, 2011 2:32 PM ()
"I hope to get in the zone when I do this – block everyone out, because that’s the best way to get through without messing up."
I could say the same with regard to my spinning......although I haven't tried spinning after imbibing......yet.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 18, 2011 1:52 PM ()

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