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Teal's Modest Adventures

Health & Fitness > The Med Wars

The Med Wars

I use a nasal spray at bedtime to ease sinusitis and breathing difficulty. I ran out yesterday and at midnight, called the always available prescription Caremark number. “Thank you for calling the Caremark Silverscript service for The New York Times,” a cheerful robot said. I went through the automated system and ordered my med and learned I would have to get a new prescription for next time. I looked into faster delivery for a minimum $17 and more for even faster delivery. I chose not to pay these outrageous prices. I’ll wing it.

I had to tell the robot my id number, which is about 12 numbers, and my birthdate. At least they have improved their voice recognition system, because I have had the experience of giving them my birth date – September 26, 1931, and having the voice confirm, “Your birth date is April 12, 1956, is that correct?” Repeated tries always got a really messed up response.

I also updated the credit card on file with Caremark since I just got a new one. If your card is out of date (this happened once), they don’t call to check with you, they just don’t fill the order and you are left hanging until you realize you didn’t get your stuff.

This morning I got an automated call from them that was an “incomplete”. So I called them back and learned it was just an notification that my med would be delivered by 1/31. Kind of a long time if one is not breathing. Then the voice asked if I would run out, so I said yes, and I got a nice young man named Alex. I informed him that unless he had some magic up his sleeve, he was probably only going to reaffirm that it would cost at least $17 for an earlier delivery, but that was okay because I didn’t need to breathe. I let him think that I was too poor, rather than I was just annoyed.

“Oh no,” he said, “I’m sorry.” “Not a problem,” I said. “I won’t feel it for a couple of days and then I just won’t sleep.” “ Oh, oh, oh,” he said. “I feel terrible.” I told him it was not his fault, that I should have realized I was running out. We parted on good terms but I was charmed by his concern and he may even lie awake tonight, agonizing over my health. He said if it got to be really a problem, I should call back and perhaps he could arrange a pick-up of a small supply at the local pharmacy.

There are some sweet people out there, but they have no power.

xx, Teal

posted on Jan 26, 2013 8:12 AM ()


It is the most frustrating and aggravating thing to talk to pre-recorded voice prompts that screw up your info! And I don't care if it's fake or not, to get a human on the line and hear a sympathetic concerned employee soothes my ire.
comment by susil on Jan 29, 2013 1:09 PM ()
I hate the phone prompts but at least you got to talk to a human being.
comment by elderjane on Jan 28, 2013 5:33 AM ()
local chemist has just started an advisory service, they contact me by phone to remind me my scripts need to be refilled. only pay $5.60 on each one. Shortness of breath i use asmol puffer
comment by kevinshere on Jan 26, 2013 10:00 PM ()
Hope your stuff comes fast. And thanks for that GetHuman link -- I'm bookmarking that.
comment by drmaus on Jan 26, 2013 2:14 PM ()
Very interesting there and the comments there are good.
comment by fredo on Jan 26, 2013 1:50 PM ()
I can order a three-month supply every two months from my mail order pharmacy, which is really good since I'd hate to have to order liquid eye drops and gel caps when the outside temp is -8 at night. Any chance you could get on a plan that allows early ordering?
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 26, 2013 11:26 AM ()
this is my my New York Times retiree plan -- it is excellent. I don't want auto renewal because my meds change. And my doctors sometimes change too. It is my fault for not checking the supply in my cabinet.
reply by tealstar on Jan 26, 2013 12:29 PM ()
I hate those voice recognition customer service systems, and feel silly saying Customer Service instead of pressing 1. It was particularly inconvenient when I was at work because all the people in the other cubicles would hear my business.
comment by troutbend on Jan 26, 2013 11:25 AM ()
I still miss the days when you got a person right away. There is a website called GetHuman. You can check it for any company and learn how to reach a person. I love it. At one time they had a list of major corporations. I printed it out and still refer to it, but I'd like an updated list and instead the site asks you to type in the name of the company instead of offering a comprehensive list.
reply by tealstar on Jan 26, 2013 12:44 PM ()
It's hard to know how long liquid/spray meds will last and when to reorder ahead. It's easier to count pills. Hope the delivery comes soon!
comment by marta on Jan 26, 2013 10:39 AM ()
Although not having this is troublesome, it is the synthroid that I should not miss a day of. I ran through hoops to get an iterim supply the last time I missed an order (that time it wasn't my fault -- the doctor ordered for me and his order got lost in the system).
reply by tealstar on Jan 26, 2013 12:40 PM ()
And what do you do to the 'some sweet people out there'? IMHO that wasn't nice at all--it would have been nicer just to thank him for his concern.
comment by greatmartin on Jan 26, 2013 10:06 AM ()
I did thank him. Maybe I should have made a tape and played it for you. I was very gentle. I also very definitely let him off the hook by saying it was my fault. Or did you miss that part? I am the gentlest of hearts.
reply by tealstar on Jan 26, 2013 12:31 PM ()
I suspect you're giving "Alex" too much credit. They're trained to seem cordial and caring. He was probably picking his nose while he talked to you. Speaking of that, I hope your nasal spray arrives soon.
comment by steve on Jan 26, 2013 9:59 AM ()
You paint such a pretty picture. If I don't sleep tonight, it won't be because of a breathing problem. Instead my mind will have this image of a teary-eyed rep picking his whatever.
reply by tealstar on Jan 26, 2013 12:33 PM ()

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