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Teal's Modest Adventures

Religion > Leave Me Be

Leave Me Be

From time to time I get E mails from a friend who used to live here and has moved to another state. Sometimes they are examples of inspiration that she believes come from God. This or that person asked God for help and voila! Help came. And I am supposed to jump up and down and think oh boy, maybe that can work for me!!! I just got one. I know she is a believer and I love her anyway. But I wish she’d leave me out of her inspirational network. She will not change me and I am irked when she tries as in “see what you are missing”. I almost sent her a reminder that I am an agnostic at best. Then I decided that it was mean-spirited of me and deleted it. I just won’t answer this one.

I will never forget the venerable Sophie, my piano mentor, member of a world-class musical family, telling me about a friend-student who was always trying to convert her to the Christian faith. Sophie was Jewish. Sophie did not go to Synagogue; Sophie did not pray nor consider herself devout. But Sophie knew she was Jewish, fled the Nazis, the whole magilla. She just knew she could never be a Christian. I’m surprised she didn’t push this proselytizer out her rear window into the Hudson.

My dear Jay, bereft of most of his memory, ill and in the hospital looked up one afternoon to see a priest walk into his room. He slowly shook his head (he couldn’t talk) from side to side and the priest left. It gave me great joy to know that he still, compromised as he was, knew who he was.

We all of us have our beliefs. I do not feel it is useful and certainly it is patronizing to think that because someone has a different mindset than you do, that somehow they haven’t thought things through, something is wrong with the way they think, they just haven’t seen the light, and if they would only see things YOUR way, then they would live happier lives. Or something. I know plenty of the faithful who are totally miserable.

What matters, believer or non-believer, is that you are happy with your choice. If you feel you have to change others, that is unfortunate because it has nothing to do with belief and everything to do with, at best, convincing yourself that you have made the right choice by convincing others, or, at worst, exerting control over others.

xx, Teal

posted on Feb 13, 2011 12:35 PM ()


Amen, Sister! (If I can say that in a non-religious way)
comment by solitaire on Feb 15, 2011 6:31 AM ()
We are totally in tune on this, Teal. It bugs the hell out of me when I receive e-mails like that. Not only are many of them evangelical and sanctimonious, many also are steeped in the Christian right political tone, which make me want to barf.
comment by marta on Feb 13, 2011 9:44 PM ()
I am a non-religious Buddhist. Buddha never threatened his followers with Hell. Happy St. Valentine's Day, and I say that in a non-religious context. Good post.
comment by jondude on Feb 13, 2011 9:09 PM ()
Whenever I'm asked what is my religion, I always answer it is between me and my God. Faith is and should be a very personal thing, you and only you can choose to believe or not and nobody should even try to force you to believe something you dont.
comment by aussiegirl on Feb 13, 2011 6:46 PM ()
I do not go to church now but did attend Sunday school when I was a child. I do believe in a higher power but there are so many aspects of different religions that confuse me. To let you know how screwed up I am...my Mother was Episcopalian, my Daddy was a Christian Scientist, I became a Baptist after I married, then my husband switched to a Methodist church after our children were teenagers. I do not like others trying to force their beliefs on me. I am doing fine on my own, thank you very much. Sorry if I offended anyone.....this is why I do not normally discuss religion or politics.
comment by gapeach on Feb 13, 2011 6:42 PM ()
I'll have to cite a Biblical example, so please forgive me, but I think it will reinforce your feelings. Jesus never forces himself on anyone; he gives gentle nudges from time to time; but the quickest way to turn a person AWAY from any religious or non-religious viewpoint is to try to beat them over the head with it.
comment by redimpala on Feb 13, 2011 2:53 PM ()
I don't have a problem with the idea of Jesus. I have a problem with sanctimony and missionary zeal.
reply by tealstar on Feb 13, 2011 6:50 PM ()
I guess I am vocal about my beliefs which are agnostic and democratic
but I do not wish to impose them on others. I am not evangelistic by
comment by elderjane on Feb 13, 2011 2:32 PM ()
This is sad. I've never known overbearing evangelism to bring anyone any closer to divine truth, even though my human goes to one of Those Churches. Only Ceiling Cat can open hearts, and it isn't up to us to judge the direction in which He chooses to open them. But then, I'm a cat. What do I know.
comment by zillahkatt on Feb 13, 2011 1:01 PM ()

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