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Teal's Modest Adventures

Entertainment > Movies > Another Fulmination

Another Fulmination

The media continue to dwell on every nuance of the new Pope’s life, wisdom, patience, humility, and daily ablutions. They narrowly avoid discussing his bathroom accommodations. Suddenly, this ordinary human being has been elevated to near-sainthood because a bunch of old men in red dresses elected him. News analysts I normally respect, buy into this. There is no guarantee of common sense, apparently, when one touches on religion.

I maintain that this is a form of emotional masturbation and the faithful are welcome to it. Moreover, I won’t deny them their survival accommodations, but I do deny them their constant efforts to impose their version of morality on others.

Last night “The Ten Commandments” was on TV. Charlton Heston played Moses, Yul Brynner was Rameses, Anne Baxter was Rameses’ self-involved wife, Nina Foch was Heston’s wife, who loved him even after he stopped with the sex thing because nothing was more important than his godly mission. Edward G. Robinson played a selfish, greedy, local politician, who delighted in trying to destroy Moses and inciting his followers to turn against him. Boo, hiss.

I enjoyed the movie. I also vastly enjoyed Snow White, Bambi, and Fantasia. The special effects were superb (Moses parting the Red sea). I love fairy tales.

I remember all of these actors vividly. I have total recall of my movie going from the 40s and 50s, even from the 30s when the family went to the local movie house every single weekend and watched Laurel and Hardy and Westerns and Shirley Temple, with whom I identified vividly.

I thought I would never let go of movies. But I have. I am never in a movie house these days. TV takes up most of the urge because I like the old movies, and the other issue is Ed’s bad back and if one eats or drinks before going, there is more than one trip to the bathroom.

The last movie I saw in a theatre was “Gladiator” with Russell Crowe, in Queens, in 1999 or so. Ed and I and his visiting cousin, Arthur, saw it together. It was “okay”. It rears its head every now and then on TV and Ed will watch it and I will go do something else.

xx, Teal

posted on Mar 31, 2013 7:23 AM ()


I wonder if it's difficult for popes and cardinals to avoid wrinkling their dresses when they use the restroom. Men who deliberately wear long dresses seem to be trying to put on a mystique that in a modern age seems to be borrowed from long-gone women who never wanted it in the first place.
comment by drmaus on Apr 1, 2013 10:38 AM ()
I missed watching The Ten Commandments this year, first time in a long time. But it was the The Walking Dead season finale. Seemed appropriate for the day.
comment by elkhound on Apr 1, 2013 6:04 AM ()
Teal, until he changes his stance on birth control, abortion and celibacy in
the priesthood, he is also off my friends list and we all know that this
just ain't going to happen. I have seen the Ten Commandments a couple of
times and refused to go through it again.
comment by elderjane on Mar 31, 2013 4:55 PM ()
I have perhaps watched it twice ... I look at the production values in re-viewing, and pay little attention to the story.
reply by tealstar on Apr 1, 2013 6:59 AM ()
Happy Easter.Have no interest in the Pope.Took him off my friend list
comment by fredo on Mar 31, 2013 1:25 PM ()
I remember seeing The Ten Commandments at a theatre. As it was made in 1956, I must have been awfully young.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 31, 2013 11:36 AM ()
Me too.
reply by tealstar on Apr 1, 2013 4:22 PM ()
Somebody needs to ask the pope what his favorite movie is. Not that I care.... Happy spring eggs and ham!
comment by jjoohhnn on Mar 31, 2013 10:46 AM ()
Pope? What Pope? Out here all we talk about is the drought and the upcoming fire season. I seriously didn't realize he was still such a hot topic, although it makes sense that some people are keeping an eye on his first big event.
comment by troutbend on Mar 31, 2013 9:27 AM ()
That just means you aren't watching a lot of TV news. But I understand they would recycle his ascendancy because of Easter. Oooohhh. Easter.
reply by tealstar on Apr 1, 2013 4:23 PM ()
I too thought that the media was extraordinarily giddy over the new pope and all the Catholic ritual on display. Then the other night they showed him laving and kissing feet. Is this really necessary??!! Re "The 10 Cs": I watched it for awhile but the hammy acting ruined it for me, not to mention the inane script. I couldn't help thinking Heston would grip his staff, lift it into the air, and declaim: "...from my cold, dead hand.."
comment by steeve on Mar 31, 2013 8:20 AM ()
I already posted on Chris Matthews' time line on Facebook that I thought the coverage was overkill. They should listen to me.
reply by tealstar on Apr 1, 2013 7:01 AM ()
Happy Easter, Hon. The cats got a really great dinner, ham pieces and Fancy Feast. I should eat so well. No colored eggs this year. Just ham and a good wine.
comment by jondude on Mar 31, 2013 7:37 AM ()
You know how to celebrate. Wish I'd been there.
reply by tealstar on Apr 1, 2013 7:01 AM ()

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