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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Sex in the World of The Other

Sex in the World of The Other

Terry Gross of NPR interviewed Sherren el Feki a woman born to a Muslim father and a Swedish (I think -- in any case a Scandinavian) mother. She has written a book, Sex and the Citadel, in which she documents the sexual and social practices in the Arab world.

What is striking is that the genital mutilation of female children (the clitoris is cut off), most often done in their pre-teen and teen years, is not only common in “enlightened” countries like Egypt, but is condoned by the also-mutilated mothers of these children. It is a cultural tradition more than it is a religious dictate, and the reason behind it is that this “insures” that females will not grow up to demand sex and/or pursue sex with anyone who struck their fancy – their desires uncontrollable, their lives a constant drooling after men to assuage an always insistent “lust.”

Currently 70-80 percent of female children in Egypt are so mutilated. El Feki also spoke with young, married women who had been surgically altered. They said they enjoyed sex, but they weren’t talking about orgasms. Personally I think the clitoris is over-rated and put my money on the G spot but maybe there is, indeed, a pathway from the clitoris to the G spot.

However, my view does not support the involuntary alteration of generations of Arab women who were not born to be sexual ciphers.

Women in Muslim countries, by and large, also think it is okay for a husband to beat a wife who does “not feel like it right now.”

El Feki is not one of these, having grown up in a Western culture.

It is also interesting that she spoke with young women who were making extra money by having sexual contact with men who paid them. How, El Feki, asked, could they escape the draconian examination of every bride when it was time for them to marry (relatives have been known to crowd into the deflowering bedroom to check the sheets for hymen blood) so that she may be deemed acceptable and not a dishonor to the husband's family. The young women said their hymens were intact, and they were having anal penetration and also performing blow jobs. They also, this is priceless, thought that by so doing, they were avoiding HIV.

I just thought I would share these time-honored traditions. If any woman of marriageable age is reading this and thinks she has the hots for a foreign-born sexy guy from the Arab world, be forewarned. They may be charming but once they own you, you’re toast. And their mothers own you too. Enlightened Arab men are a rarity.

xx, Teal

posted on Mar 24, 2013 7:15 AM ()


Sorry I won't ignore one group for another--I have had children die in my arms and I won't listen to them being blamed--promiscuity? Do you think they even know what the word means let alone what it is? If so then get out there and talk to our so called much wiser puberty kids who are dumber than we ever were!
"I can't worry about them"--and that is why they are dying--their own parents don't worry about them!
comment by greatmartin on Mar 25, 2013 3:17 PM ()
I guess I'm being elitist. I got into some serious trouble through ignorance when I was a teen. I wiped my tears and soldiered on and escaped the final solution by the skin of my teeth. I learned from those experiences. My saving grace: I did not resist knowledge because I knew "more".
reply by tealstar on Mar 26, 2013 12:37 PM ()
The numbers are dumbfounding. All those women must have post-traumatic stress disorders. Why would any want to marry? And why don't more young girls there murder the parents who made them undergo this?
comment by drmaus on Mar 25, 2013 1:36 AM ()
Why do many Muslim women who live and work in the U.S. still cover themselves totally? It is a cultural tradition and deeply imbedded and these women have been indoctrinated for so long that they think it is the right way, the way things must be. Change for these women will take a long time.
reply by tealstar on Mar 25, 2013 7:07 AM ()
But they have not been taught so you are holding them to blame?!?!? I work with teens who have HIV+ and/or AIDS and what they don't know--what they haven't been taught by parents who don't want sex education in schools is not priceless--it is disgusting! Their ideas about sex would leave you dumb founded.
comment by greatmartin on Mar 24, 2013 2:59 PM ()
Okay, back up -- promiscuity of any sort always carries risks. Surely, even in their culture, they have heard of risk? I can't worry about them. I am more worried about the women who want autonomy, who are forced to be prisoners of their culture.
reply by tealstar on Mar 25, 2013 7:09 AM ()
This is also a practice in Africa. It speaks to the insecurity of Arab
and African men. It is a horrible coming of age rite.
comment by elderjane on Mar 24, 2013 2:49 PM ()
Of course Egypt is an African country but I was thinking of the tribes where
old women operate on these girls with a sharp stone leaving them open to
infection. How stupid can these people get? You would have to remove
the ovaries to remove sexual desire because while they think they are
removing the source of pleasure, they are not getting at the root cause
which is hormones.
reply by elderjane on Mar 24, 2013 8:15 PM ()
How true is this.They still have the cultural taboos like jon says and this will not change.
The only thing that I liked in the country is that marvelous building there.Not sure what the name is.But that is great.The rest well they can have each other.
comment by fredo on Mar 24, 2013 10:02 AM ()
Sadly many AMERICAN teenagers think this way and consider themselves virgins "The young women said their hymens were intact, and they were having anal penetration and also performing blow jobs. They also, this is priceless, thought that by so doing, they were avoiding HIV." I honestly don't know why you would say "This is priceless"
comment by greatmartin on Mar 24, 2013 9:48 AM ()
Because if the ignorant rejoice in their ignorance, I will not cry for their early demise.
reply by tealstar on Mar 24, 2013 2:22 PM ()
That is so gross. I can't fathom thinking this lifestyle is normal. Ron asked me once if I would move to Dubai, I said no way in hell would I be considered his property for even a second.
comment by kristilyn3 on Mar 24, 2013 9:01 AM ()
Will the Arabs ever progress out of the 13th Century?!
comment by steeve on Mar 24, 2013 8:14 AM ()
ElFeki said she thought mutilation would, with education and effort, probably shrink to 50 percent and named a time frame -- I forget what it was -- 50 years or so. But, like here, with the re-introduced restrictions on abortions, there will always be the medieval mentality that claims it wants only what is moral, the real agenda being control over women and this agenda will keep coming back. Constant vigilance is required. And immediate pushback.
reply by tealstar on Mar 24, 2013 2:40 PM ()
Even with the cultural taboos in our "world" I am amazed at the backward-looking taboos elsewhere. The male dominated cultures will never experience the freedoms we enjoy. When our nation embarked on "nation-building," such as it has in the past couple decades, I said that backward "world" will never embrace what we call Democracy without shedding the culture of meanness, slavery and religious laws.
comment by jondude on Mar 24, 2013 7:40 AM ()

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