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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Relationships > Dating Choices

Dating Choices

I get lots of spam. Some of it is from dating services. One recently offered me the seductive option of dating a Christian because don’t we all live for the day when we can have one. I replied, “I’d as soon date a devout Christian as I would a leprous toad.” When I didn’t hear back from them, I thought they had taken the hint.

But no, today I got another wonderful opportunity to date a Christian single. Again, I E mailed them, “If your Christian single is anything like Rick Santorum, I’m going to vomit.” And I deleted it again as spam. But,like the blood stain of the Canterville ghost, I think they’re going to be back.

I think you all know I was born into a Christian family. My mother believed in God. My dad never mentioned God. It didn’t seem to be on his radar. But he was frightened that I would grow up to be a “bad” girl, and just to prove him right, I did. And if you think there is no connection between his paranoia and the awful choies I made, you would be wrong. It’s called rebellion. How much healthier my young life would have been if my dad had been a sympathetic listener instead of a hysterical prison warden.

As for religion, It’s not so much that I totally refute the existence of a deity, or as I see it, a cosmic consciousness, but that I adamantly and totally despise the way many of the faithful of every religion distort its teachings to further their own agenda. And the last thing I need, were I to be single again and want to date, is some Christian Evangelical control freak nay saying my every thought.

I’ve been posting some of my political opinions on Facebook and the 17-year-old son of my tailor friend, Susan, who returned to Wisconsin because she couldn’t make a living here, has discovered me. I knew him and his sister while Susan was still here, but he didn’t take much notice of me. But now he is liking what I write, and I am getting such a kick out of that. Susan recently E mailed me that he wanted to know if he could “friend” me. How charming. Of course I said yes.

xx, Teal

posted on Apr 13, 2012 6:39 AM ()


Okay, I'm missing something here - your post didn't mention Ann Romney, but the first comment (from Jeri) does, along with several others. I don't quite see the connection. As for dating, I signed up for one of the dating websites the other day. Haven't paid for it tho... I used to date older men, too. My son's father was a couple of years older than my mother. I had daddy issues too.
comment by catdancer on May 4, 2012 8:34 PM ()
I now don't remember, Cat. I must have known at the time. Or they might have read my Facebook page that I post a lot of comments on about the ongoing political mishmash.
reply by tealstar on May 5, 2012 6:15 AM ()
I also thought the comment about Ann Romney was a fair assessment. She grew up in wealth, married into wealth and spends her time participating in dressage events at horse shows. She has a stable of ponies valued at $250,000. Don't insult my intelligence by stating this so called "stay-at-home Mom ever had to worry a day in her life about laundry, cooking, cleaning, the budget, paying the bills, or the cost of gasoline.
comment by redimpala on Apr 17, 2012 7:09 PM ()
Responding to email spam confirms that they have reached a valid address, so they not only continue to pester you, but they sell your email address so you get more spam. Surely that Christian email has an opt out feature at the bottom, now that you are they are such buddies, you have nothing to lose by asking them to remove you from their list. And doesn't your email have a 'junk mail' filter capability?
comment by troutbend on Apr 15, 2012 9:41 AM ()
We did have a spam filter a while back but they seem to time out after a while. Yeah, I know I made myself more accessible when I answered but it felt so good to tell them off.
reply by tealstar on Apr 15, 2012 2:42 PM ()
Yeah, I get solicitations from dating services, too. I belong to one, but it's been a bust. Few reply to my messages. Why did they sign up? One woman said she would only date an atheist. I said I was her man. No response.
comment by solitaire on Apr 15, 2012 6:23 AM ()
'I always took up with older men.' Me also BUT there are less older men now
comment by greatmartin on Apr 13, 2012 3:11 PM ()
ay, there's the rub.
reply by tealstar on Apr 14, 2012 6:07 AM ()
Let us not worry about him.Mr.Obama will sail through this.He is our man and President.
No way that he will be elected.
comment by fredo on Apr 13, 2012 2:14 PM ()
The last religious person in my family was my paternal grandfather, who was a minister. I think the religious gene has been bred out of this family.
comment by nittineedles on Apr 13, 2012 12:32 PM ()
I'm sure you have all benefited from the lack of this mindset.
reply by tealstar on Apr 13, 2012 2:07 PM ()
well a debatable there.Who raised the five sons that she had?
She had help I am sure but nevertheless was this necessary?
comment by fredo on Apr 13, 2012 8:34 AM ()
Mrs. Romney's point was that she understood women who stay home to raise children and she totally ignored the fact that many women can't afford that luxury because their working income is necessary to keep them from starving. She was in no position to "identify" and suggest that she "knew" the hardships of thse women because she "raised" her children with every economic advantage known to man and I am sure she still had time to leave the kids with the nanny and get her nails done and her hair permed.
reply by tealstar on Apr 13, 2012 2:10 PM ()
Yes I have heard about you older women and younger men--cougar is the word isn't it???
comment by greatmartin on Apr 13, 2012 7:23 AM ()
Cougar hardly describes me. Because my father emotionally abandoned me, I always took up with older men. My first husband was 21 years older and we were married 36 years. Now, when you are in your 60s as I was when I met Ed, it is hardly feasible to continue that same dating pattern. I like authoritative men even if I have to fight them when I think their authority exceeds their benevolence. Anyway, Ed is 8 years younger. But he thinks he's older. T'was ever thus.
reply by tealstar on Apr 13, 2012 2:07 PM ()
I agree. I really thought the comment that Ann Romney had never worked a
day in her life was fair. She is wealthy and surely has a nanny and a
housekeeper. Young people are a lot of fun, I am glad you are in touch
with Susan's son.
comment by elderjane on Apr 13, 2012 6:58 AM ()
p.s. make that nannies and housekeepers and gardeners and personal maids and cooks and why not? But I wouldn't lump myself with working mothers and call myself egalitarian. Beautiful, charming, yes. But loyalty to an a..h... husband should be a private matter.
reply by tealstar on Apr 14, 2012 6:12 AM ()
He posted a reply on my page that was in support of economic and medical advantages for women -- I was charmed. 17 and so progressive.
reply by tealstar on Apr 13, 2012 2:13 PM ()
Mrs. Romney is going to take a lot of heat this Fall. There is news that she has been a past contributor to Planned Parenthood. LOL
reply by jondude on Apr 13, 2012 8:33 AM ()

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