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Food & Drink > Kitchen Computer up and Running!

Kitchen Computer up and Running!

Ra is upstairs playing a game on-line and I am writing to all of you from the kitchen computer. I'm so excited. Hubby went to go get more wire to hook up the cam's and we'll be up and running. I'm so happy!!!

I ran my friend and her daughter to the eye Dr. this morning, thought I'd be home by ten but didn't get back until noon because I decided to go to Wally-world. There are some things a girl just can't live without.

Ra had me call Hubby back, he's decided to go on the outing for camera's, they are both getting cabin fever, I, on the other hand, am not. I work with the public on a daily basis, no cabin fever here.

We have another storm gonna hit anytime now. They are calling for 8 to 12 inches during the overnight hours. Oh what fun. I have to be at work no later than six AM. The kids are on winter break so the road crews don't care what time they do the roads, they are as burnt out on the snow this year as the rest of us.

I have, yet, another pot of chicken soup on the stove, but it's all good, just taking precautions because we are just entering into our flu season for the winter. I am also making sweet and sour meatballs. The easiest recipe ever. Make meatballs to your taste, some people buy them frozen, I make mine like a meatloaf and then fry them before I put them in a jar of chili sauce, your favorite brand or the store brand there is no difference in the taste, as with a can of whole or jellied cranberry sauce. Mix the two together and heat then add your meatballs. I make little baby biscuits and they look like little hamburgers on a bun.

My Sis is coming home in April and my Jen will arrive in May with her two little ones. The house is gonna be full again. Hubby has only agreed to this because I promised him that they would all be in their own places come next winter. We do enjoy our time. Ra, of course, would stay with us.

I'm gonna get to work on these meatballs and will touch base with all of you later.

Happy Cooking,

posted on Feb 26, 2008 10:59 AM ()


that meat ball dish sounds easy and delish. Now wait,Grump, she's gonna come to Washington with me to be the White House Executive Chef when I am elected Poobah. Right, Barb?

yer lettin' out my girdle pal
comment by honeybugg on Feb 26, 2008 7:08 PM ()
It's suppose to cool down to 60 here tomorrow. We're over 80 today. STay warm, send me some chicken soup
comment by teacherwoman on Feb 26, 2008 1:36 PM ()
Hey, Barb!
comment by beabea on Feb 26, 2008 12:52 PM ()
whats up girl! more snow? good grief, you guys have been hard this winter. we of course are getting more rain. take care!
comment by elkhound on Feb 26, 2008 11:49 AM ()
Should try wireless.This is great and not too expensive.
Sweet and sour meatballs,now that look great and
a good toping for pasta.
comment by fredo on Feb 26, 2008 11:44 AM ()
If you ever decide to leave hubby would you marry me? No take that back--I would weigh 400 pounds.
comment by grumpy on Feb 26, 2008 11:14 AM ()

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