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Sum's MyBloggers Spoon!

Food & Drink > Hello!


It's been forever since I've blogged. So much to do so little time. I spend quite a bit of time playing Cafe World and Farm-ville over on Face book. I see a lot of your names there, and interact with some of ya on the games, but it's not like this, not at all. Here at MyBloggers it's much more personal. You know what I mean?

My Ra of sunshine called me today after work, it was so nice to speak with him. I miss him so much that it's a constant ache, he sounds happy and says he is so I guess that's that. Jen put the babies in Foster Care about a month after she took them from us. I'm so angry with her I could spit nails, and the sad part about it is that there isn't a darn thing I can do about it. I've tried.

I still haven't mastered the art of cooking for two. It's not in my genes. I love to cook and really enjoy cooking for other people. Tho' I must confess, hubby has been doing a lot of the cooking for me lately. He's very good at it and home all day so what else is there to do other than my honey-do list?

Work is going well. My days fly by. I really like my job too so that helps. We're still on four day work weeks but at least we still have jobs. So no complaining on that front.

Hubby and I have never gotten along so well as we do now. Maybe it's because it's just the two of us with no other interference. I don't know, I just know that I like it. Our life it pleasant. We get out more and do little things in the yard and just relax and enjoy being with each other. Life is good.

Hubby been sick all winter. Pneumonia, and bronchitis. He still has a nasty cough. He goes back to the Dr next month so hopefully he'll be right as rain soon.

Soup and sandwiches for supper.

Happy Cooking,

posted on Mar 22, 2010 4:44 PM ()

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