My parents are deceased, probably a good thing in my present state of mind. But my mother, I use the term lightly, gave all three of us kids to a 15 year old cousin, Brenda. The state stepped in and took us away. The Orphanage told Brenda that if she was married they would let her adopt us so she went and got herself married. When she came to get us they told her we were adopted by a Pastor and moved to California. Pastor? Actor? Whatever!
I have spent my entire adult life building a family, 14 grandkids for pete's sake. Now I have a family and I'm not real sure what to think about it all.
Hubby gets mad at me and tells me he isn't gonna go with me. I think it might be best if I go alone. I may not come back. Hubby is good living with his daughter, I'm miserable, he's happy. Go figure! I love my job, tho'. I'll be back but probably living by myself.
I've had contact recently with a man I use to go to private boarding school. Wanna see the pictures. I was hot. Hell, I'm still hot, just the hot comes in flashes now. LOL!

I'm the one smiling!

My ass is still my greatest asset! Ankles ain't bad either!
Life indeed will go on, I just hope I can survive it!!!
Happy Cooking,