We have moved in with my step-daughter and her family, they are slobs. I can't stand it. I hate messes and things should have a place or be taken away. I guess since I don't have a place I should be hauled out of here, eh? I'm not use to being disrespected by the grand-kids, but that is the way it is here. Ra would have been slapped silly for the things that these kids get away with. They really don't mess with me because I set the ground rules the day we moved in and they don't want to piss off the grandma. LOL! I'm so unhappy and no-one knows it but me! I'm catching myself falling into a deep depression so now I drink on the days I have off because I can't stand my world anymore. Any excuse to drink is a good one! When I get home from work I make supper, they all appreciate that, then I go in my room, where it is clean and shiny, veg out and go to seep, for about an hour. I'm not sleeping. Which has the characteristics of depression but is really just a sign of unease. When you're not comfortable somewhere you can't relax enough, unless you're in a drucken stupor, to fall asleep. Perhaps I should become a counselor, my life has given be a degree, one sort or the other.
Yes, It's 3:30 A.M., I'm having a cocktail, a smoke, (cigerette), LOL! And I'm blogging about my woes and such!!! Kiss my arse!!
On a stranger note...
Fifty years ago I was put up for adoption, along with my one year old sister, Betty, and my ten day old brother, Rory. (I just realized I have't eaten since noon)! Anyway, about six weeks ago, the family found us. I could be my mother's twin, post the picture later.
Or now!!!!

I'm the baby. That's my birth parents.
Be right back. Gotta eat!