I can't believe that I am still getting up at 4 AM, while I'm on vacation. Monday, when I have to go back to work I'll be hitting the snooze button on the alarm. Mind you I don't have the alarm set this week I just wake up automatically.Â
I can't say that I am sad to see this year go bye-bye. It was a rough one for me. It ended well, so I'm hoping that it's a good sign for 2009.Â
I want to try to post these pics. They are of Ra in his firesuit I won at work.  Ok, so they posted on the top, but isn't he cute? I told him today I was braiding his hair, that I can't stand it anymore. That, or I'm shaving his head. He's going for the braids. LOL!!!
 Hey, our area at work won the holiday decorating contest and the grand prize is a pizza party. We have to share with two others but that's cool, we were the first pick.
Hubby bought me a new sewing machine for Christmas and since we have a new baby coming in May I'm going to design a new quilt. I don't do the little hand stitching on the quilts but I want something other than yarn for the babies quilt to keep it tied down throughout it so I'm going to do stitching right over it with the machine. It looks good on paper so we'll see.Â
You know I was raised to be the perfect housewife. Cook, clean, sew, nurture. Being the one who brings home the bacon and the one who has to cook it too is kind of exhausting me. I know millions of women do it everyday but I don't want to. I'm tired of this game!! I want to stay home now and be a grandma. It's not gonna happen for another 20 years but I'm looking forward to it. It's hard for me to believe that I am going to be 50 in April. I keep telling the girls at work that my birthday is coming up soon and that I want presents. Lots and lots of presents.Â
As much as it pains me to write this the very best present that I ever got was from hubby's sister Sheryl. Knowing my love of cooking and such she went and filled this huge bag with oils and vinegars and spices and all manner of foodstuffs that had me as giddy as a little kid at Christmas. It was a thoughtful present and I still remember it and will always cherish the memory of it.
Ra says he gets to pick what we're having for supper, and he wants egg rolls and sweet and sour chicken. We're gonna turn into chinese food if we keep eating it like this. I did get a new wok yesterday though. I had one that had the teflon in it. Never buy a teflon wok, they get too hot and the stuff peels off. I have a real one now. Yippee!!!
Hubby should be back soon, he takes a friend to work everyday. I promised him corned beef hash and eggs with biscuits and gravy. He's a lucky man.Â
I've been reading cook books dealing with healthy menu's for people and caregivers with cancer. Some of the food is really good and it has lowered hubby's cholesterol some more.Â
I'll be back with my New Years stuff in a few. And Jondude, don't you think it's time to start a new blogster book? I still have the one we did over at Blogster. Lets do one for MyBloggers.Â
The computer's swallowed Grandma
Yes, honestly its true
She pressed 'Control and Enter'
And disappeared from view.
Its devoured her completely
The thought just makes me squirm
Maybe she's caught a virus
Or been eaten by a worm!
I've searched through the Recycle Bin
and files of every kind
I've even used the internet
but nothing did I find.
In desperation I asked Jeeves
My searches to refine
The reply from him was negative
Not a thing was found 'Online'
So if inside your 'Inbox'
My Grandma you should see
Please 'Scan' Copy and Paste ' her
In an e-mail back to me.
Happy Cooking,
Can we wait till the weather is better>
come over here for a drink and get to know one another.