Jan 22, 2009
I haven't written in a while, go figure. I had a small drinking problem, that snuck up on me, that I had to nip in the bud, so to speak. It was starting to affect me physically. I am going to miss a s...
Nov 21, 2008
So I go outside to inhale deadly smoke into my lungs when guess who is in the yard? My damn cat Bernadette who has been missing for almost two weeks. You people where right. She did come back, yes! Sh...
Nov 11, 2008
I swear to God. It seems in my life when thing are going great I get something thrown at me that really sucks.I am in hell right now. My cat Bernadette just up and vanished. Seven years together and s...
Nov 10, 2008
Oh crap, we have been to hell and back. I just did not have the ability to blog, LITERALLY!!!Roger changed jobs. He's now selling new cars. We sank financially. We had to have the cable/internet shut ...
Aug 11, 2008
I'm sorry, I'm a bad blogger. It takes me forever to get back to people, if I do at all. Life has just been crazy.We moved to a quiet place in Delaware called Magnolia. We had everything set to be shu...
July 1, 2008
Does anyone remember a holiday where you leave candy out on your neighbor's porch, ring the bell and then run away? Is it called May Day? I remember celebrating it when I was a kid living in Kansas. I...
June 18, 2008
Dayum, I don't blog for shit anymore. I finally got an Xbox 360 and a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV. Plus with school and selling the condo there is not enough time in the day.We have achieved the impos...
May 29, 2008
I have sat down a few times to blog only to "X" out the screen, so I am doing this post now. I just didn't feel like I had anything to say.Tom's words of wisdom-Nobody looks cool while eating a banana...
May 2, 2008
Woody!Our New Toys!!! Great for collecting dust and drying clothes!A pic I took in Milford, Delaware.What was she thinking? Homegirl must have got her hair from the Goodwill in the 80s rack!My Cat Ber...
Apr 21, 2008
Hey gang! I am checking in.Has anybody ever seen that show called You Are What You Eat on B.B.C. America? This woman gets overweight people into shape by putting them on a strict diet. Well, one thing...
Apr 3, 2008
I'll be damned. I took my test Tuesday night not knowing if I had passed or failed. In my heart I thought I failed it. I received a 85%. Thank God! I need to stop doubting myself. It's not an A, but I...
Mar 31, 2008
My life should be a reality show, because last week would have been a great episode.On Thursday I took the dog out at 5:50 pm. There was this woman on her cell phone across the field holding this Germ...
Mar 22, 2008
I have to take back what I said about Madonna's new song; it grew on me like a fungus. I love it!I also have to clarify my rant about Rog's sister. As some of you might know, she was committed to a me...
Mar 18, 2008
So I open up Rhapsody today, and to my delight is the new Madonna single "4 Minutes." I don't think I like it that much. It has Justin Timberlake singing on it and that Timberlad Producer guy. It's ve...
Mar 13, 2008
My blog at Blogster was deleted as per my request, but I understand they are locking people out for no reason. Is Blogster going down? Anyone?Roger is going to see his mother tonight after work, so I ...