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Food & Drink > Cornedbeef and Cabbage

Cornedbeef and Cabbage

Ra says he hates cabbage. LOL! Wait until he eats corned beef. I'm letting him make it so he will at least taste it. I can't stand the stuff. But I make it every year and pray that something exciting is gonna happen to it. It never does. I will make it every year as that is what is expected. Life goes on.

Ra decided at the last minute not to join baseball. He says he wants to enter into martial arts so he can channel his anger. We stayed up last night, just the two of us, and he told me some of the things he went through with his relatives in the two years that he was away from me and I hurt for him so much that I want to right the wrongs done to him. But alas that would be illegal and leave him in the hands of those that did him wrong. He is such a good child with a heart full of love. I will honor what he asks of me. I perhaps should join the martial arts with him to channel the anger I feel for not protecting this perfect child from such abuse.

I have an interview Tuesday for the new job. I'll let you know what happens.

Happy Cooking,

posted on Mar 16, 2008 10:38 AM ()


He'll love martial arts. My husband is a black belt in Tai Kwan Do and my sons made it to brown belt. It taught them self-discipline and it gave them great agility. It's a good choice for them. The neat thing about martial arts is that it gives them the power to not fight. They only fight in extreme circumstances. Good stuff.
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 17, 2008 9:37 AM ()
the whole secret to good tasting corned beef and cabbage is plenty of green beer to wash it down with. thank goodness Ra has you in his life. martial arts might be good for him. it will teach how to discipline himself and his anger as well as giving him an outlet. he'll be fine now that he's away from that other awful environment. Oh, and good luck wiht the job.

yer admiring pal
comment by honeybugg on Mar 16, 2008 2:30 PM ()
Don't forget the boiled potatoes....& good luck with that interview.
comment by looserobes on Mar 16, 2008 11:18 AM ()
I'm with Fredo. Love the cabbage but forget the corned beef. Why do you make something once a year that you hate?
comment by redimpala on Mar 16, 2008 11:11 AM ()
The reason that I do not liked it,for they put chemical and
coloring in it to look good.Who need it anyway and why should
we have for what.St.Patty let him eat it.[
LOL]Loved the cabbage but corned beef is out.
comment by fredo on Mar 16, 2008 10:44 AM ()

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