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Food & Drink > Little League

Little League

A month ago I told Ra to get ready for little league as it was fast approaching. He told me he didn't want to play this year. I said he had to. LOL! I wasn't kidding.

Friday, Ra brought home this sign up sheet for baseball. He gave it to Grandpa and told him here sign me up since you're making me play. This morning while taking him to school I asked him if he wanted to play baseball and he said yes he did. Did I force him? I don't think so. I think he really wants to play but wasn't sure how to let us know. I could be wrong...but I doubt it.

Back in my day if you weren't good enough to play on the team you didn't get picked. Now everyone gets to play. Is that what they call be politically correct. Last year they told Ra that he couldn't pitch because he couldn't control the ball on account that he lost the tip of his finger. Poppycock!!!! Set your mind to the task and make it happen. He is, after all, my grandson. He can do anything he sets his mind to. It's a gift we have. Mind over matter!!! We don't mind and you don't matter. I told you I was feeling weird today.

Gotta get back on the chores.

Happy Cooking,

posted on Mar 11, 2008 8:16 AM ()


Ra can do anything he sets his mind to...he's a good kid, and like you said he's your grandson...genes should count for something. Sports are good for kids and sometimes you have to "force" gently. Nowdays, though the teams have to let all the kids play or some d--kwad parent will want to sue somebody...or shoot somebody. What a friggin' world.

yer pining for my lost youth pal
comment by honeybugg on Mar 11, 2008 5:39 PM ()
We don't mind and you don't matter.
comment by nittineedles on Mar 11, 2008 1:48 PM ()
Yes,been through all of this.was a manager of one team.
But in my heydays was not all that bad compare to the
team today.With parents fighting against each other.
You know what I mean after hearing so much about this.
Leave them alone and they will be fine.
comment by fredo on Mar 11, 2008 9:56 AM ()
I went through this with my kids and yes, I forced them into sports through the YMCA. It was good for them and eventually, they both became athletes. It doesn't come "naturally" at first, but they get to the point where they love it. We're the guides, you know, so we must guide them. I believe the discipline of sports or music or whatever organization you can belong to helps a child grow up well.
comment by teacherwoman on Mar 11, 2008 8:55 AM ()

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