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Food & Drink > Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday!

I have the day off, which means it's time to clean and cook for the week. A day off? What a joke. I spend the whole day cooking and cleaning and washing and drying and go to bed exhausted. LOL! It's all good as I am quite content.

I've picked up a few other chores that I insisted making time for. One is coming home between the laundromat and the store and driving Ra to school. It's a ten minute moment but we like spending time together and with my hectic work schedule I have to fit in every bonding moment that I can. I take my lunch break at two so that I have quality time with hubby for a bit before Ra comes home from school and we have snack and homework. Then it's back to the store for two hours and then home to prepare supper and get everything set up for the next day. Yes, I am one of those organized people that have to have the clothes for the next day laid out and waiting for me in the morning. I can't describe the lost feeling I have when I don't do that.

Oh, the previous post was something hubby said about me. How dare he. I wrote his words down and he said I put a spin on them. Go figure, they were his words. LOL!!! I'll still have the last laugh. Good thing he loves me, huh? I am very controlling but only with what has to do with me and my immediate family. I can offer advice to other's but I can't make them take it. Not that I'm any great authority on anything, I just have opinions and I like the sound of my own voice. LOL!!

I have a strange mindset today. I don't know if it's because the sun is finally shining or if I'm just losing my mind. Probably a little of both. I feel good today. So all is not lost.

Yesterday the guys in the meat room lowered the price of ten pound bags of chicken tenders to $1.49 a pound. I bought two bags and another 5 pounds of hamburger. I get home and break out the seal a meal and realize that I have no room in the freezers for anything else. I just bought a flat screen TV but I think I should have invested in another freezer. I have enough meat in my freezers to last 3 months, that's not including the meals I have prepared and froze for the days I don't want to cook or I have to work late and hubby and Ra can pick and choose what they want. All individually packaged so they have a choice of a lot of things and don't necessarily have to eat the same thing.

I reckon I should get on the laundry. It still won't do itself. I also have to switch our and Ra's room as our's is bigger and with Sis coming home in two weeks and Jen and the boys in 2 months I need to give them the larger room. Sounds like too much work for today but I'll at least get it started.

Have I mentioned, my little Ra of sunshine has been having trouble sleeping. He went three days with no sleep until I caught wind of it. I sat him down and had a talk with him. He says his father use to make him watch movies that scare him now. I've been noticing some changes in him since he's been in close contact with his mother, I don't want to think that she had anything to do with his behavior but it is a possibility. I'll have to watch and be ready.

Time to start on my chores and give hubby his computer time. Have a great day all and I'll be back to let you know what I have prepared for supper.

Happy Cooking,

posted on Mar 11, 2008 6:15 AM ()


well then,you must let us know what your cooking tonight.
Your a good mom and wife.
comment by fredo on Mar 11, 2008 10:07 AM ()
A woman's work is never done!
comment by saito56 on Mar 11, 2008 6:27 AM ()

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