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Par For The Course

Life & Events > Time-honored Tradition

Time-honored Tradition

Well, I survived a busy day of watching New Years Day football games. My thumb aches, either from arthritis or remote control-itis. But I deserve a day off every once in awhile.
The day before, the weather was very nice (near 60!), so I worked outside, mostly in the garden. I had much to clean up--tomato cages and posts, old plants to dispose of, etc. Winter came on so fast and furious, I never had a chance to put the garden to rest. I still have eave troughs to clean.

I've recently been spending much time in the basement--motivated by an indoor exercise regimen. Since I hate jogging and walking outdoors in cold, windy, sometimes snowy conditions, I do my wintertime fitness program indoors. While my stationary bike is in the living room, my weights, jump rope, and punching bag are in the basement. This is my very own "gym". And to complete it, I've been working on a "track". I've moved everthing that was against an outside wall to the inside (around the furnaces), so I could walk, even jog, around in circles. I have a huge basement, so 4 walking laps takes a minute. 15+ minutes equals a mile-- fewer if I jog. Turn on the radio (classical), or put in a jazz tape, and I'm off and running! And I get a much improved basement out of the deal.

2011 looks to be a super year, personally. I have some plans for the upcoming year, "resolutions", if you will. First of all, I'm going to be doing three trips. I'm returning to the Florida Panhandle (Mexico Beach) at the end of this month for two weeks. I'm doing two Wilderness Volunteer service (work) trips--one in April to Utah, another to Vermont in October.
Sandwiched between is a summer of golf as a new member at a different golf course. Details on all this later.

So one of my "resolutions", to travel more, will be fulfilled.
My financial advisor says I should spend more money on myself. Gas will gobble up much of it!

I resolve to keep my garden weed free. I also have a backyard to seed in grass (from new septic system). Perhaps I'll landscape it with flowers. Much to think about.

Healthwise, I need to eat fewer sweets, certainly less sugar (and salt), to lower my cholesterol and blood pressure. Continue exercising of course.

I'd like to spend more time with my grandson (and his parents). I'm visiting them this PM--45 min away. They may come down to my Florida place for a few days! And I hope I can help them on their organic farm.

I will ask Anna, the librarian, out to dinner. 'Nuf said.

Finally (at least for now), I'm going to try to be more positive, less cynical, more tolerant. I will continue, however, to be vocal in my beliefs in religion and politics. Someone needs to stand up for the truth.


posted on Jan 2, 2011 6:17 AM ()


Did you ask your sister if she wanted to go on another trip to Florida with you?
comment by troutbend on Jan 6, 2011 10:37 PM ()
Yes and no. I did, but I knew the answer. She can't, since she has a job (church musician). I didn't really want her to come this time. It took my dad and I some time to come to the conclusion that she had all this moving in with me, then him, planned out and manipulated. Dad actually (he told me) flat out accused her to her face of "taking over" his house and life. He said she didn't deny it. She hasn't discussed any such conversation with me. She probably doesn't want me to know that's exactly what happened. Anyway, I'm a little miffed at her--for that and other reasons.
reply by solitaire on Jan 7, 2011 6:15 AM ()
YaY Positive Thinking - the best thing to begin doing whatever, time of year it happens to be - whatever you think about, you bring, about - so let all your thoughts be 'positive' ones!

comment by febreze on Jan 3, 2011 5:31 PM ()
No sense in being negative, I figure. Optimistic, positive, and happy. My goals. I bet it's yours, too.
reply by solitaire on Jan 5, 2011 5:24 AM ()
Can't you read while you indoor bike? Same with treadmill. I envy you your indoor space for workouts. I stretch in the living room in the morning. Sometimes I do my ballet jumps on the tile in the kitchen area but this is not best. Happy New Year.
comment by tealstar on Jan 3, 2011 6:17 AM ()
I can read while biking--or work crosswords--or watch TV. But it's difficult to hold the book steady. Plus, I seem to slow down.
reply by solitaire on Jan 5, 2011 5:21 AM ()
I take it you don't have high speed DSL service....
comment by marta on Jan 3, 2011 6:02 AM ()
No, but I'm considering it. This slow dial-up is driving my patience to the ceiling.
reply by solitaire on Jan 5, 2011 5:19 AM ()
GEE mate that first part made me tired as to travel our camper is having a check over should get away for a couple of months shortly.
good having one of these --get bored --light the fridge --clothes and food in ---hi ho silver were away-- bugga the cost of fuel costs just the same to go for a drive
comment by kevinhere on Jan 2, 2011 9:05 PM ()
A camper has crossed my mind, but I'm too cheap to purchase one. Plus the hassles. My sleeping bag and a tent suits me fine. Or a motel! Still, I envy you.
reply by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 6:00 AM ()
With all the snow here, I can get some exercise in by cross
country skiing! I go in the ditches, or into unfenced fields.
It's supposed to be as good an exercise as running, but I don't
find that it gets my heart rate up as high. I've been running outside
on the warmer days too, but I've seen people running in the colder
and snowier weather - I'm just not brave enough to try it yet!
comment by crazylife on Jan 2, 2011 7:27 PM ()
Good for you! It's when I began dreading donning the cold weather running clothes that I decided to bring my exercise indoors. I look forward to my basement routines now. It's now sunny and no snow on the ground, but 20 degrees F and windy. Brrrrrr!
reply by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 5:57 AM ()
Randy, I told my good friend Dallas that he couldn't take it with him
many times when he was being fanatically penurious. Sure enough....he
didn't. All his savings went to his two stepsons (through Ruth). He
cut his children out of his will. You have great plans for the future.
comment by elderjane on Jan 2, 2011 1:47 PM ()
I try to spend money--and do a pretty good job of it in many respects (money to children, travel, etc.). But I'm naturally parsimonious in my daily life. Old habits are difficult to break. I may buy a new truck after 7 years!
reply by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 5:54 AM ()
What a great idea for the basement... I'm glad you can stay warm and still get your exercise in. I really like all of your resolutions aside from less sweets. I think u of all people deserve to splurge eve now and then! Happy new year!
comment by kristilyn3 on Jan 2, 2011 10:41 AM ()
Thanks Kristi. I splurge much too much. Snacking is a problem. Two recent cavities gave me the hint. It's a vicious cycle of me over-exercising so I can over eat!
reply by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 5:49 AM ()
Happy New Year, Randy! Kudos to your 2011 plans. I agree with your financial advisor! More fun for Randy!! I still regret parting with my stationary bike when I downsized into a tiny apartment, but I plan to replace it. I did keep my treadmill, but I miss the bike. I wonder if they make semi-collapsible ones. Hmmm.
comment by marta on Jan 2, 2011 9:58 AM ()
I don't know about collapsible bikes! I really don't like riding mine--have to force myself. Boring, perhaps. Certainly no treadmills. As for spending money, easier said than done. Besides, it's not my adviser's money being spent! BTW, I'm still trying to download your card--I'm going to have to get it started, then go do something for 30'!
reply by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 5:46 AM ()
Happy New Year, Randy. Spend some of that money on fun! We only go around once in this life.
comment by redimpala on Jan 2, 2011 9:57 AM ()
It's not that I'm rich like a millionaire, but I've invested well in the stock market. I'm thinking that I'd better spend it before I lose it in a crash. I'm finally rebounding from the last one.
reply by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 5:41 AM ()
"One could almost say that if all of the world's traditions were cut off at a single blow, the whole mythology and the whole history of religion would start all over again with the next generation." Carl Jung
"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” Thomas Aquinas
Your truth is not everyone's truth, anymore than my truths are yours. Have a happy new year!

comment by dragonflyby on Jan 2, 2011 9:21 AM ()
Touche! Good quotes. Right out of your head, I suppose?
reply by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 5:38 AM ()
Sounds good there Randy.What part of Vermont are you going?
the nutbread only take a couple of tspoon of oi.
Do not find this a big deal.
I used to us applesauce and noticed that it taste different to me.
But we all have different taste.As one grow older our taste change some good and some bad.Look like that you got everything planned there.
Good for you,to get out and enjoy life.
comment by fredo on Jan 2, 2011 6:53 AM ()
You've inspired me to continue "getting away". I still want to do Greece some day. If you go to wildernessvolunteers.com and click on "trips", scroll down to Oct. 2011, and you'll see the Vermont trip. Check it out. Saves me the explanation! I really don't know where in Vermont it's located.
reply by solitaire on Jan 3, 2011 5:35 AM ()

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