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Business > Practicing What I Preach

Practicing What I Preach

First off: Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there. Mine has been gone for 11 years. Doesn't seem possible.
I am taking one sister out to dinner for her birthday (tom.). Her twin (Barb) is going to Lawrence KS today to play piano in a concert. I'll "do her" later in the week.

Not sure where I'm going with this post (not well thought out), but here goes. Hayduke's post got me thinking

Jim does a lot of philosophizing. He's pretty smart. I philosophize quite a bit myself, but I keep most of it to myself. That's because I'm either not smart enough to express myself or I choose not to. Some things are best kept to oneself.

Hayduke's latest post regarded aging. Those of us that made it past 60 (or whatever) know what it's like to grow old. There's nothing new in talking about arthritis, cataracts, wrinkles, slowness, etc. I'm not sure anybody cares to hear about someone's aches and pains. Nobody likes a complainer. We listen politely, but, really, that kind of conversation is a downer.

On the other hand, we often don't like hearing the "Pollyannas" bragging about how good they feel, or that they ran 10 miles carrying a baby on their back with 10 pound weights on their ankles.

There's a fine line between bemoaning and promoting ones health and/or health habits. Hence, my post title. I enjoy talking about myself and my life--one of the purposes of blogging. But I don't want to sound self-serving and boastful about my fortunes or station in life.

Sure, I complain a lot--bad seatmate on Amtrak, politics, no women in my life, etc. I don't like to be around whiners. So I need to "practice what I preach". It's not easy.

I'm not big on listening to or reading other people's opinions, either. We each think we're right. And it's not so much the opinion itself, but the way it's expressed--sort of haughty-like, positive it's "the way it is".

I'm not referring to any of you, out there in mybloggersland. This is a self-analysis, even somewhat of an apology for my personality and expressiveness. I'm not even sure I want to continue blogging--here or anywhere. Is that a sign of aging? (wink)

posted on May 13, 2012 5:19 AM ()


I sure hope you enjoy blogging enough to stay with it. I, for one, would miss you.
comment by dragonflyby on May 15, 2012 10:03 AM ()
Sure you would--like a stick in the eye. I know I'd miss all my friends here. I probably wouldn't keep in touch, otherwise.
reply by solitaire on May 16, 2012 4:36 AM ()
I sometimes feel I brag on my children and grandchildren too much...don't do much bragging about myself because my life is too boring right now. I like your posts and enjoy them. I have never felt you were a whiner or a braggert...just honest! We have lost so many. I would hate to see you go as well.
comment by redimpala on May 13, 2012 10:39 PM ()
Blogster is different. I blog both places, often just duplicating what I post here. I have, for the most part, just learned to ignore the fanatics over there, and they leave me alone. No one is going to changer anyone's mind.
reply by redimpala on May 14, 2012 11:16 AM ()
Thanks. I confess I actually resigned up on Blogster (under a different name). Haven't posted anything yet, and may not. It's tough to start afresh. You write a variety of things in your posts, from politics to personal. I doubt if we ever meet, but I'd like to.
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:44 AM ()
Hello Randy,
I hear you and understand...I would personally miss your blogging about life in general etc etc. I enjoy reading and commenting on your blogs...since Spring 2007, as I recall!! I am consumed living my life right now, so I am rarely on line except for work or grad school.
Please don't just disappear like our retired judge...in Utah!!!
I feel like I have really gotten to know you and I enjoy hearing about your 4 kids lives as well...especially happy you and your son got a chance to spend time together earlier in the year. You my friend, make me think....laugh out loud....remind me of my days going to Ganesha High School in Pomona, living in my brother's fraternity house, as he was my legal guardian for a couple of years.
Do think about it....and it may make me commit to at least one blog every couple of weeks??!!
Enjoy your garden and all the wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables coming your way!! much love and laughter sent your way Randy, your mybloggers friend Barb
comment by darkstar on May 13, 2012 9:20 PM ()
Every now and then, you pop up when least expected! I'm glad you do. I thought about you while in Calif. last month. I trust all is well.
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:38 AM ()
Everyone blogs for different reasons and everyone has different interests and sensibilities about their lives and relationships and lifestyle. That's what makes it interesting. Sometimes comparisons have a way of putting up roadblocks. Stay open and relaxed and share what you wish. Feel free to be yourself.
comment by marta on May 13, 2012 7:31 PM ()
Thanks, Martha. I do try to be myself. Don't know how to be anybody else! Sometimes I don't like what I see in the mirror, but that's the way it is. I'm grateful to have many mybloggers friends with whom I share my life, you included!
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:41 AM ()
Oh! When I saw the word in the title - "preach..." I decided to skip your post. LOL (just kidding)
comment by jondude on May 13, 2012 6:32 PM ()
I hope I don't come off as a preacher like some do. And you better have read my post!
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:36 AM ()
I like reading your posts so I hope you continue to blog. I think the whole purpose of blogging for some people (like me!) is to talk about yourself and what's going on and thoughts and opinions on things.
comment by kristilyn3 on May 13, 2012 4:19 PM ()
True. I think it's a part of us that wants to share or boost our self image. Perhaps we want sympathy when we write of things gone sour. Whatever the reason, I'll continue for awhile longer.
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:32 AM ()
Physically I am in the best shape I have ever been in (Pollyanna). Except for my bad back, my bad knees, my bad ankles and bunions (Bemoaner). Have I covered all the bases? And what is that crunchy sound my neck makes when I turn my head? Randy, we just have to keep on keepin' on, as they say.
comment by boots586 on May 13, 2012 11:26 AM ()
on the "crunchy" part. Me too. I don't remember you ever "complaining". You're permitted.
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:34 AM ()
Are you still complaining?I sensed a problem there.Got to get my thinking cap on.I agreed even though have my share of pain and never ever talk about this.
Just take care of the pain and continued on doing whatever your doing.
As for me will continued till the pain say time to stop?guess just an ole Italian stubbier old man.[TO
You know that song.Don't Worry About Me?I'll get along.Don't you worry about me,so long my friend that is where the story end.I loved this song.Get a hold of yourself.Oh!all right will stop.
Just having fun with you.Enjoy the day today.

comment by fredo on May 13, 2012 8:39 AM ()
Yes, I know the song--an old standard. So don't worry 'bout me!
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:30 AM ()
I enjoy reading your blog. I hope you dont get too old to continue
comment by hennaladykim on May 13, 2012 8:29 AM ()
"Too old". I wonder what constitutes that age? Hopefully, never!
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:28 AM ()
Not every narrative is a boast or a whine -- sometimes it's just a sharing -- like now. The highs and the low of one's life are sometimes more interesting . So don't worry about it.
comment by tealstar on May 13, 2012 6:19 AM ()
As usual, you're spot on. Still contemplating.
reply by solitaire on May 14, 2012 4:26 AM ()

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