Here's wishing all my mybloggers friends a very Merry Christmas!
Today's the day.
Being a nonbeliever, I'm actually "celebrating" solstice. That's my excuse for eating and drinking to excess today!
We definitely have a White Christmas! Ella Fitzgerald is singing that song as I write this! No dreaming, however. We received another inch or two of snow on top of the 3" we already had on the ground. It's beautiful--a regular winter wonderland.
However, I'll have to get out and shovel the snow before my family arrives later this afternoon.
I volunteered my house (see Springtime photo) for the festivities. My two sisters and father are coming. So are my daughter Emily, her husband, Nate, and their 14 mo old son, Johnny (my name for him--it's really Jensen). I bought a couple of presents for him, my only gift-giving. I only wish my other three children could be here. We'll call them.
I've been working very diligently cleaning house. Yesterday, I took everything out of the kitchen and scrubbed it down with ammonia and bleach. I didn't realize how mybloggers it had become. That comes from fixing a lot of stir-fries in my cast iron skillet.
On today's menu, we have a pork roast with potatoes and carrots and onions. Side dishes includes asparagus soup (appetizer), squash w/ apple sauce, corn fritters, and a cranberry/blackberry/apple salad. No recipes as such--just my own imagination. My sisters are bringing desserts, although I made "yellow cake" bars,with nuts and choc chips.
Almost everything is "from the farm", including my SIL's roast: My asparagus, squash, potatoes, carrots, apples, corn, blackberries, nuts.....(not cranberries!).
Gotta get busy. Enjoy your day. Be thankful and grateful. We're not all as fortunate.
It helps if you can enjoy the snow instead of just having to
shovel it.