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Food & Drink > Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Here's wishing all my mybloggers friends a very Merry Christmas!
Today's the day.

Being a nonbeliever, I'm actually "celebrating" solstice. That's my excuse for eating and drinking to excess today!

We definitely have a White Christmas! Ella Fitzgerald is singing that song as I write this! No dreaming, however. We received another inch or two of snow on top of the 3" we already had on the ground. It's beautiful--a regular winter wonderland.

However, I'll have to get out and shovel the snow before my family arrives later this afternoon.

I volunteered my house (see Springtime photo) for the festivities. My two sisters and father are coming. So are my daughter Emily, her husband, Nate, and their 14 mo old son, Johnny (my name for him--it's really Jensen). I bought a couple of presents for him, my only gift-giving. I only wish my other three children could be here. We'll call them.

I've been working very diligently cleaning house. Yesterday, I took everything out of the kitchen and scrubbed it down with ammonia and bleach. I didn't realize how mybloggers it had become. That comes from fixing a lot of stir-fries in my cast iron skillet.

On today's menu, we have a pork roast with potatoes and carrots and onions. Side dishes includes asparagus soup (appetizer), squash w/ apple sauce, corn fritters, and a cranberry/blackberry/apple salad. No recipes as such--just my own imagination. My sisters are bringing desserts, although I made "yellow cake" bars,with nuts and choc chips.
Almost everything is "from the farm", including my SIL's roast: My asparagus, squash, potatoes, carrots, apples, corn, blackberries, nuts.....(not cranberries!).

Gotta get busy. Enjoy your day. Be thankful and grateful. We're not all as fortunate.

posted on Dec 25, 2010 6:03 AM ()


Love a white xmas! Three years in a row here.
It helps if you can enjoy the snow instead of just having to
shovel it.
comment by crazylife on Dec 26, 2010 8:30 PM ()
If I hadn't had "guests", I wouldn't have shoveled snow. But I did. Not one of my favorite chores. Melt down coming later this week--highs in the 50's!
reply by solitaire on Dec 27, 2010 5:44 AM ()
I don't eat asparagus but last year when I was visiting my son in Idaho he made asparagus soup and it was delicious. Your cranberry, blackberry and apple salad sounds scrumptious.
comment by gapeach on Dec 26, 2010 5:56 PM ()
The asparagus soup was fantastic. I wasn't sure how it would taste. I was actually surprised. Adding vanilla yogurt to the fruit salad made it sweet and delicious. I was happy.
reply by solitaire on Dec 27, 2010 5:42 AM ()
Happy New Year. Christmas Feast most wonderful..good for you
comment by anacoana on Dec 26, 2010 3:32 PM ()
I was all pumped for a feast but am a bit too full from dinner to over indulge. Boo.

Hope you have a most wonderful day.
comment by juliansmom on Dec 25, 2010 5:09 PM ()
I did, thank you very much. See my response to troutbend for details. Too lazy to repeat!
reply by solitaire on Dec 26, 2010 6:11 AM ()
Merry Christmas.
comment by elderjane on Dec 25, 2010 4:29 PM ()
Have a great day. Your big house will be full of laughter and love. And just think! You won't have to secretly fret about the septic arrangements every time you see someone head for the for the bathroom, and you can use the dishwasher.
comment by troutbend on Dec 25, 2010 9:41 AM ()
You must have ESP or spies to know how things went: septic, dishwasher, laughter, etc.--all true! Dad "tuned out" (can't hear well); sisters ignored each other; grandson a delight (his father, too); called my son and actually spoke to him!!!!!!!!!!!! He's alive! Bored and "low" w/o a job, but sounded optimistic. Thanks for the good thoughts.
reply by solitaire on Dec 26, 2010 6:10 AM ()
'That's my excuse for eating and drinking to excess today! ' I don't use excuses and just do it everyday!
Happy Solstice!! And don't send that snow down to us--bad enough we are dipping into the 30s on Monday--THIS IS SOUTH FLORIDA!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 25, 2010 9:11 AM ()
Normally, I eat in moderation. But I did pig out yesterday. Sorry about your "bad" weather! We missed the worst part of the snow.
reply by solitaire on Dec 26, 2010 6:05 AM ()
Happy 'Eat, Drink and Be Merry Day', I too am enjoying this day

comment by febreze on Dec 25, 2010 8:49 AM ()
Thanks, Breezy! I did just as you recommended. All was wonderful. Hope yours was, too.
reply by solitaire on Dec 26, 2010 6:03 AM ()
Left the important part out.
Merry Christmas Randy.I am so glad that you are my friend.
Best for the New Year.
comment by fredo on Dec 25, 2010 6:18 AM ()
The meal sounds great.We normally have this at Christmas,but some reason that It was my turn and said that an Italian Dinner is in.
In memory of my families.I will be thinking of them with all the good time that we had.But yours sounds great and enjoy them.Snow is arriving Sunday this is the second one and supposed to be a good one.Guess there goes my tennis game for Monday.The dinner sounds great.
Any left over send them to us.Oh!do you have my address.?
comment by fredo on Dec 25, 2010 6:17 AM ()
I'd be happy to be "adopted" into your Italian family! I love the idea of having Italian food for Christmas. No, I don't have you address, but if I ever come to New England, I'll want it. I'm thinking about it.
Hope you don't get too much snow with this incoming "blizzard".
reply by solitaire on Dec 26, 2010 6:01 AM ()
Best wishes for a wonderful day, Randy!
comment by marta on Dec 25, 2010 6:15 AM ()
Sounds like a great day. Enjoy it and your family.
comment by tealstar on Dec 25, 2010 6:10 AM ()

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