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Home & Garden > The Garden Report

The Garden Report

I didn't shoot them, but I scattered three rabbits in all directions as I ran towards my garden screaming and clapping last evening. You can't do that in the city without arousing suspicions of insanity.
Bunnies love to congregate in my garden(s). It's their playground-and feeding station.
Despite fencing, coffee cans, Ivory soap spray, etc., they've managed to chew off cabbage, beet, and sweet potato plants, and nibbled at a variety of other shoots. And if it's not rabbits, it's birds. They like peas and Swiss chard. Not even netting can keep them out. What's the matter with grass and weeds for these critters?

Otherwise, the garden is coming along. I've been eating salads every night seasoned with chives and cilantro. The asparagus has been phenomenal. And now the strawberry patch is approaching serious picking. I've had a few already.

The entire garden is planted. Now all I have to do is keep it weeded and the varmints out.

posted on June 1, 2008 6:22 AM ()


I sort of remember that song with the words "my feets are too big" but I can't remember the rest. It'll probably come to me at 3 a.m. some day. I'll let you know if I can dig it up. If you want help with the strawberries, just say the word! I can't guarantee that I won't eat more than I put in the bowl though...
comment by catdancer on June 4, 2008 7:26 PM ()
Glad you have a good one, the bunnies are sure to leave some for you.
comment by elderjane on June 4, 2008 1:41 PM ()
Where is your scare crow? Glad you didn't shoot them.. consider it a compliment to your knack for gardening!
comment by frogfenatic on June 3, 2008 10:11 PM ()
The birds or squirrels keep eating our strawberries
comment by shesaidwhat on June 3, 2008 4:49 PM ()
You've feed them...don't you know when you feed them....their yours...LOL
comment by elfie33 on June 3, 2008 11:46 AM ()
"r(unning), screaming and clapping last evening. You can't do that in the city without arousing suspicions of insanity." Oops! Maybe that's why the neighbors used to look at me so oddly at my other house. I had a garden there but don't have enough sun for one here.
Yum, fresh picked salad! Sounds wonderful. I did discover that I have chives coming up. I don't remember planting them so they must be volunteers from a bird or something. If you need any help picking those strawberries...
comment by catdancer on June 2, 2008 6:18 PM ()
Ahhhh... rabbit stew. delicious. Underground chicken, my father used to call it.
comment by clovis on June 1, 2008 10:54 PM ()
Our vegetable garden was being dug up so industriously we imagined it was bandicoots, oppossums and echidnas, so built a 6 foot high wire netting fence around the entire 50 metre perimeter. it made no difference... it is field mice, we discovered. a plague of them, so we've been trapping for weeks and the chickens are feasting on all that lovely protein.
comment by clovis on June 1, 2008 10:52 PM ()
I do the same thing, but for cats!
The fence around my garden does seem to keep the rabbits out. The ground squirrels and mice can get in, but the cats tend to take care of them. My garden is mostly planted, and starting to sprout. I planted brussels sprouts this year, because you talked about them in your blog.
comment by imaginaryfriend on June 1, 2008 7:33 PM ()
They animals can sense a softy when they come across one! You will never get rid of them!!
comment by sunlight on June 1, 2008 6:35 PM ()
I salute your industry.
comment by looserobes on June 1, 2008 3:24 PM ()
Rabbit stew sounds like a solution!
comment by dragonflyby on June 1, 2008 8:52 AM ()
Sorry you are having a hard time of it. Time to stock the freezer I think.
comment by tracy on June 1, 2008 7:11 AM ()

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