I didn't shoot them, but I scattered three rabbits in all directions as I ran towards my garden screaming and clapping last evening. You can't do that in the city without arousing suspicions of insanity.
Bunnies love to congregate in my garden(s). It's their playground-and feeding station.
Despite fencing, coffee cans, Ivory soap spray, etc., they've managed to chew off cabbage, beet, and sweet potato plants, and nibbled at a variety of other shoots. And if it's not rabbits, it's birds. They like peas and Swiss chard. Not even netting can keep them out. What's the matter with grass and weeds for these critters?
Otherwise, the garden is coming along. I've been eating salads every night seasoned with chives and cilantro. The asparagus has been phenomenal. And now the strawberry patch is approaching serious picking. I've had a few already.
The entire garden is planted. Now all I have to do is keep it weeded and the varmints out.