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News & Issues > Freaky Weather

Freaky Weather

A common blog topic--but not from me--is the weather. I can't help myself. It's the big news item around here-besides gas prices.

It could be worse, but we've been hit pretty hard here in Indiana with bad weather. It's been hot, windy, and rainy for the past week. I can deal with that, but when it gets extreme, I get a little skittery.

I was on the golf course yesterday when lightning bolts came flashing out of the clouds. That's never good. Then it poured buckets. My rain gauge caught over 2" in an hour. Down in Southern Indiana, they had upwards of 11"! The pictures on TV were amazing, showing flooded areas.

We've had tornadoes rake the state in the past week, including one about 5 miles from my house. I headed for the basement during that episode. Again, I'm glad I had a sump pump installed down there. My house is on a mound, but the water table is exceedingly high.

My gardens have drained ok, but the farmers have standing water everywhere, drowning out the crops. Here's your forewarning: food prices are going to go up. And corn for ethanol? Forget it. It's not going to happen and it's not going to solve gas prices.

I hear and see a lot of depression in the faces of my fellow Hoosiers. I'm pretty well off, but I too can feel the hurt. Let's hope the worse is over.

posted on June 8, 2008 5:28 AM ()


It's difficult to "not" comment on the weather lately. It's just been so strange for so many different people. It was in the 90's during the day last week. Now the last couple of days can't get out of the 60's. Is this summer?
I don't think we're in Kansas anymore,
comment by shesaidwhat on June 18, 2008 5:09 PM ()
I agree... Weather and Gas Prices - The hottest topics around!

I won't even begin to talk about the weather we have had here - Only that I have lost some of favorite trees! (And my Sump pump has been running non stop for 3 weeks)

Anyhoo - The winds haven't ruined my Gardens!
comment by greeneyedgemini on June 13, 2008 12:20 PM ()
Even the basement in the house in Indianapolis experienced some flooding. Yes, it has been pretty bad.
comment by dragonflyby on June 10, 2008 9:54 PM ()
I am so sorry your weather has been so chaotic. I just wish we would get some warm weather.. I'm about sick of the gloomy weather and could use some sunshine.
comment by frogfenatic on June 9, 2008 9:43 PM ()
I have friends in Warsaw, Indiana. Life has been tough there lately!
comment by hayduke on June 9, 2008 9:30 AM ()
Hi, we're so far okay down here and had a problem drought.
Now we are getting rain, finally. But the predictions are for
many named storms to come our way during the hurrican season.
My heart goes out to all those having weather and financial
problems. I have a friend who lost his business due to low
construction and the mortgage crisis and who thinks it's the
fault of the Democrats because they have been in control of
Congress for two years and "done nothing". How myopic is that?
xx, T.
comment by tealstar on June 9, 2008 5:38 AM ()
I am so sorry about the crunch we find ourselves in. Karen is right. He has needed anti psychotics for the last 8 years.
comment by elderjane on June 9, 2008 5:25 AM ()
Here in Florida the gas prices are so high,nobody can afford to buy hurricane supplies.Hurricane season started June 1st and my cupboard is bare.Sorry to hear you are having such terrible weather.I saw the pictures on TV.Stay safe........... Laurie
comment by dogsalot on June 8, 2008 2:00 PM ()
We had horrible weather Friday. A large Blue Spruce tree fell on someone's car as she was driving on the road that leads to my street. Lucky for her, she wasn't hurt but the pictures were frightening - it crushed the roof and the windshield and entire right front. The tree was over 100 years old. A couple of others fell near that one and took out power and new construction. Straight line winds? Meanwhile, a tornado touched down about 50 miles away in the same storm.
comment by catdancer on June 8, 2008 10:50 AM ()
Interestingly, the high food prices haven't hit Canada yet. I'm hoping to get a really good crop off my garden to fill the freezer, and my shelves with canning.
comment by imaginaryfriend on June 8, 2008 10:24 AM ()
Hi sol; y'all have gotten the rain that usually falls
down south this time of year--we're dry, dry.
your blog title is so apt-freaky weather everywhere.
I feel sorry for the flooded out farmers in Indiana,
bless their hearts.
comment by susil on June 8, 2008 7:11 AM ()
I don't think God approves of golf...
comment by looserobes on June 8, 2008 7:02 AM ()
President Bush says the recession is over. Can someone get him some help? Everyone I know is just getting by on the thin edge.
comment by thestephymore on June 8, 2008 6:37 AM ()

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