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Life & Events > Relationships > Cross Your Fingers

Cross Your Fingers

I think I'm still dreaming, but, believe it or not, I have a date with an actual woman this Friday! Really!

My farmer friend, Stan, has been encouraging me to try an internet dating service. He's had some success. So I tried one, but the closest person was 6 hours away.

I happened across another less known site 5 days ago. It wasn't 2 hours before I got a "hit". Her photos shows her to be attractive (cute). Her profile matched mine. She's just two years younger than I am. And, she lives fairly close (30 miles).

So, after exchanging some brief notes of introduction, then some longer emails, we set a meeting time and place halfway between us. Pizza Hut--my favorite "restaurant"! Plus, it's adjacent to a park where we can walk afterwards.

Deep breath. Don't be nervous. Be yourself. Don't do or say anything stupid. Any other "advice"? Fingers crossed.

posted on July 7, 2011 4:50 AM ()


I hope you just let it happen all.....
comment by itsjustme on July 19, 2011 6:08 AM ()
Don't talk about religion or politics, both volatile subjects. Just be your charming, natural self. Wouldn't it be great if she loves golf?!
comment by gapeach on July 8, 2011 5:32 PM ()
See new post. But we didn't talk politics or religion. And actually, I'm glad she doesn't golf. Then I'd have to play with her. And that's like canoeing together. It can test your relationship!
reply by solitaire on July 9, 2011 5:09 AM ()
Oh!oh!!!!watch out for those woman who are late for dateThis may be excuse to see if you showed up.
comment by fredo on July 8, 2011 9:46 AM ()
See new post.
reply by solitaire on July 9, 2011 5:06 AM ()
Just remember 'only the good die young'--we will be around for awhile
comment by greatmartin on July 8, 2011 8:02 AM ()
Right on! I should live to 100!
reply by solitaire on July 9, 2011 5:07 AM ()
It's funny how dating never changes for people... it's always a bit nerve wracking and exciting! I am sure it will go well... go with the flow and be yourself! Complimenting her prolly can't hurt either.
comment by kristilyn3 on July 8, 2011 7:09 AM ()
T'was ever thus, as they say. I'm about to post the outcome.
reply by solitaire on July 9, 2011 5:05 AM ()
I've got 'em crossed, best of luck. Please don't talk about: plumbing (either your own or your house's) or religion and your lack thereof.
comment by troutbend on July 7, 2011 3:21 PM ()
Drats. I was going to mention my clogged kitchen drain. Not a good idea, eh? She knows my "religion" from my profile. I think she's cool with that. Says she's "self spiritual", whatever that means. Appreciate your advice.
reply by solitaire on July 8, 2011 4:40 AM ()
well,good news.How about that.Wish you the best of luck.
This is your time?
comment by fredo on July 7, 2011 8:27 AM ()
6:00 EDT tonight, although she says she always runs 5 minutes late. Thanks for the good wishes.
reply by solitaire on July 8, 2011 4:36 AM ()
Not a pessimist but have had experience with this:
1) See if they show up
2) Hope she didn't post her daughter's picture saying it was her
3) Hope it is a woman
4) 2 years younger? Just hope she isn't 20 years older
5) You may NEVER date again

Have fun--take notes--we want details!!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 7, 2011 8:01 AM ()
She's probably thinking the same thing about me. And you're right about #5. After a blind date 5 years ago, I've never had another-- 'til now. In another 5 years, I may be dead.
reply by solitaire on July 8, 2011 4:34 AM ()
You will do fine! Jerri's comment made me laugh out loud.
comment by dragonflyby on July 7, 2011 7:54 AM ()
It's the pizza I'm looking forward to. I'm tired of garden veggies. Probably have a vegetable pizza! Oh, and by the way, I'll be sharing it with a stranger! Gulp.
reply by solitaire on July 8, 2011 4:32 AM ()
Consider it an adventure.
comment by tealstar on July 7, 2011 6:50 AM ()
And nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?
reply by solitaire on July 8, 2011 4:29 AM ()
comment by jondude on July 7, 2011 6:48 AM ()
Yeah, me too.
reply by solitaire on July 8, 2011 4:27 AM ()
Oh, to be a fly on the wall at Pizza Hut, or perhaps at the park. Good luck. Just be yourself, anything else would be a lie and cannot be sustained over a long period of time. Sending good wishes your way!
comment by jerms on July 7, 2011 6:25 AM ()
Although I'm 68, I feel like a teenager on his first date. Besides, I don't know how to be anything other than myself. "I yam who I yam". But thanks for the advice.
reply by solitaire on July 8, 2011 4:27 AM ()
Just don't screw it up.
comment by elderjane on July 7, 2011 5:42 AM ()
reply by kristilyn3 on July 8, 2011 7:10 AM ()
Ha ha !!!!
reply by solitaire on July 8, 2011 4:24 AM ()
You're a hoot.
reply by tealstar on July 7, 2011 6:50 AM ()

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