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Travel > California Dreamin'

California Dreamin'

We finally got some rain, although it was less than half an inch. Prediction was for 1-2". I have no faith in weathermen. But, I suppose I remember the "misses" better than the "makes".

The Rotary Club's spaghetti (supper) was good, but (again, another "but"), the "service" was pathetic. Waiting in line was agonizing. It was "all you can eat", but just try to get seconds--one had to go back in line! Supper took one and a half hours to complete!

Is it just me (more than likely), or is this Titanic anniversary hoopla over the top? I never even saw the movie. For some reason, I don't care. It's old news (oxymoron). My paper today was filled with "anniversaries"--including Virg. Tech's campus shooting 5 years ago. Just give me the news. No "remember whens", no predictions or hype (like college football previews in April). I swear, when my newspaper subscription is due, I'm not renewing (this Summer) for these and so many other reasons.

I may not be posting again before I leave for California Wed.(18th), so here's the scoop.
I'm visiting my second oldest daughter, Laura, in Berkeley for just a day and a half. Then my son, Darin (age 29) is joining me to go camping at Pinnacles Nat. Mon., just East of where he lives in Santa Cruz. We're doing our first Wilderness Volunteer service (work) trip together. I'm looking forward to not only the trip, but the time spent with my only son (he's single). He says he's "excited" too. Whew!

I'm taking Amtrak's "Zephyr" out of Chicago (first from Lafayette, IN). 54 hours worth if it's delay free. Cost, $150 but with no sleeper. If I can spend two nights on a bus (D.C. trip), then I surely can manage two nights on a train.
I think it will be an experience. Anybody done it?

I'm flying back home (SW Air) on the 28th. No driving this year. As per my personality, I have my worries, concerns, and anxieties. But things usually work out fine. This could well be my final Wilderness adventure. We'll see.

posted on Apr 15, 2012 6:00 AM ()


Two nights on a train without a sleeper car is no worse than two nights on a bus. Can't wait to hear about your trip.
comment by dragonflyby on Apr 22, 2012 8:13 PM ()
I've always wanted to take a cross-country train ride; but I would have to have a sleeper, I think. I'm not much for roughing it, which is why camping has never appealed to me. I agree about the anniversary thing. I get sick of them also.
comment by redimpala on Apr 17, 2012 6:59 PM ()
Have fun on your trip! Now that it is spring, we have been getting snow! It melts within a day or two at least.
comment by crazylife on Apr 16, 2012 8:28 PM ()
Maybe if I like the train, I'll do a trip through Canada towards Blaine, Washington where my nephew lives (borders Vancouver).
reply by solitaire on Apr 17, 2012 4:50 AM ()
I have been loving all the Titanic coverage. Not the Cameron movie but the real news stories and the miniseries by Julian Fellowes (He wrote Downton Abbey.), but I have a vested interest-my father-in-law, his mother and two sisters were survivors.
comment by boots586 on Apr 15, 2012 5:29 PM ()
Have you tried putting moth balls in the tunnel? Sometimes they move away...
reply by boots586 on Apr 16, 2012 6:25 PM ()
Don't mind me--complaining about certain things. My nature! No wonder you're interested. I've got a mole tearing up my garden. Grrr.
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 5:14 AM ()
Last wilderness adventure? Why?
I love the remember when's. I am fascinated by the Titanic as well... I guess we are polar opposites on some things hey?
Have FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN with your son and daughter!
Oh and Ron wants to travel on a train for hours like that, but I am not a fan of the idea... If there were like little apartments then maybe... but a toilet in the shower is not my idea of travel.
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 15, 2012 3:27 PM ()
Ya gotta put up with some inconveniences when doing trips like these. Makes one appreciate the niceties when home. Pretty soon, it's all forgotten. During and after every trip I make, I think "this is the last one". But then, I get the urge and see a trip or place I want to do and see. We'll see.
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 5:12 AM ()
MyBloggers posts are the only place I have read about the Titanic. I don't feel overwhelmed at all. It's the anniversary? (snore). Enjoy your trip Randy. Enjoy your son and daughter.
comment by tealstar on Apr 15, 2012 2:51 PM ()
Thank you. Will do. Daughter separated from her worthless husband and will need support.
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 5:08 AM ()
I love the train, my preferred form of travel. And you're heading to one of my favorite parts of California, the Monterey coast. Have a wonderful trip!
comment by marta on Apr 15, 2012 1:13 PM ()
You need to hitch up with Jon(dude)! But I agree. I've been through Monterrey one time several years ago. Spectacular, esp the golf courses!
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 5:06 AM ()
I traveled with my family, by train, from Vancouver, BC to Montreal, PQ for Expo 67. The train ride was too long, too crowded, too hot (I passed out while waiting in line for the dining car. Luckily, my dad caught me.) and too boring for a certain 16 year old who didn't think to pack her knitting. I flew home.
comment by nittineedles on Apr 15, 2012 9:31 AM ()
Ouch. I'm thinking more positive. Like sitting next to a gorgeous young and single gal that will steal my heart away!
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 5:04 AM ()
Have a nice time with the kids :) I'll wave at all the passing trains and maybe you will be on one of them. If not, then at least someone might feel better thinking some crazy lady is out there waving... "Did you see that crazy lady George????" I can hear em now LOL
comment by hennaladykim on Apr 15, 2012 9:23 AM ()
Just call Amtrak @ 1-800-872-7245 to find out when the Zephyr passes through (quick stop) on Friday. You don't want to embarrass yourself.
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 5:03 AM ()
Have a wonderful trip and sorry,that your pasta line was pathetic .
All you can eat?Well one plate is enough for me.Then again you are still growing
Enjoy the camping trip with the boy and the visit with your daughter.You are a busy sort.Good luck and be safe.
comment by fredo on Apr 15, 2012 8:31 AM ()
I'm a glutton when it comes to "all you can eat" or buffets. Fortunately, I don't do it very often. Otherwise, I'd be like the 90% of the adults I observed (while waiting in line) that were overweight. I was appalled.
And thanks.
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 5:00 AM ()
Pinnacles is very close to where I want to move after my Mother passes, Monterey. I have a close friend and his family in Santa Cruz, too. Old home week for me when I get a call from there and a good Indiana friend says he is going there, too. Enjoy it. You'll be in the heart of artichoke country!
comment by jondude on Apr 15, 2012 6:44 AM ()
That's pretty cool. Yep, as soon as your mother dies, I'd be apackin' and vamoosin' to the West coast!!
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 4:57 AM ()
We picked up .2 of an inch of rain last night. That should quiet that talk of fire danger and get the ground ready for planting. Guess I'll be mowing by next weekend, but that's not unusual. With all the heat in March I'm lucky the grass is waiting until now to grow--it's been green, which was nice!
Sounds like a wonderful trip you're planning! I was supposed to do something like that 40 years ago. The guy who did the planning had if figured that we'd be in certain places in the Rockies to see the sunrise. One of those "should haves" that won't happen. Oh well, have a great time!
comment by jjoohhnn on Apr 15, 2012 6:33 AM ()
I think I'm the last guy around here that hasn't mowed (completely) my yard. I suppose I should do it before I depart. We got more rain overnight. Yeah!
reply by solitaire on Apr 16, 2012 4:54 AM ()

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