I consider myself an educated individual, smarter then some..not as much as others. I try to see both sides to a story, maybe it's the curious nature I have as a writer to want to have all the facts before I come to any conclusions. There were things as children we accepted as the gospel truth, why?..our parents told us it was so and they were never wrong. As we grew up parents were replaced by teachers, teaching us that even though didn't seem logical it must be, for it was there..in our books in black and white. Somewhere in that time span we formed our own opinions, from the people we "hung out" with and the culture that surrounded us..and of course the television we watched and music we listened to. As if life wasn't confusing enough during our trek to adulthood..enter the politician, telling us how we should think and act. Backing it up with facts and figures, polls and charts..and also preying upon our fears. We needed to fear the unknown, lock our doors and close the shade..making our homes armed fortresses that were to be protected at all costs. If you were lucky to survive all this you grew older and the reality of what life was really about set in, and of course all those people that you came in contact with giving you their take on life and why you should think and act as they did. Bosses, co-workers, friends, neighbors, relatives, and of course clergy..if you subscribed to the beliefs of one of the hundreds of religious points of view there are out there. In the end it's what I think matters the most, sure every little ingrident thats been added to this soup has contributed to whats now in the bowl..for now. But the beauty of life is that as we get older we continue to learn, or at least that is our hope. But also as we grow older I'd like to think that information that we recieve is tempered with reasoning and understanding. So now for what I have learned..so far.
1) My parents weren't always right, but then again they weren''t always wrong.
2) A broken heart hurts as much as hitting your finger with a hammer..it just doesn't show.
3) We are not perfect, we are flawed..but still we are loved by someone.
I want to wish all my friends here a very Merry Christmas, and remember the best gift you can give one another is yourself.