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Entertainment > Humor > Try to Read This W/o Laughing Your Pig Guts Out

Try to Read This W/o Laughing Your Pig Guts Out

The other day Sunlight had a post that was a 'best of craigslist'.  If you have never checked it out, you should spend some time and browse through them.  They update monthly and most are a good read.



The following is my all time favorite:


I Puked at the MegaChurch

Date: 2007-06-04, 4:12PM MDT

yesterdya I was out for a bike ride and I'm cruising and digging the grass and trees and farms and cows and horses and sayin hi to other people riding bikes and being cool with cars and liking the deep rumble of motorcycles as they blow by me.

I ride into this small town that will remain nameless to protect the small townies. I stop at this place to buy some stuff and they are like BRATS OUT BACK! so I'm like BRATS? And they are like FREE! so I'm out back yacking about the cows and farms with other lycra people stuffing pork meat encased in pork intestine into our holes. With mustard. Score! So I cram one down and think, why not and I crunch another tangy hot juicy pork thing down my hole.

Then, I'm off! Full of pork. Ready for more cows and horse manure smells. I even have me a tail wind as I leave this town and hit these hills. Short hills, that step up steeply. Like steps. One after another. I'm high on free meat so I punch it and get a good groove until about 3/4 of the way up when I feel not-so-good. I slow down and finish the last pitch to the top breathing hard and feeling funky.

I pull off the road into this parking lot which turns out to be the lot for a megachurch. And its sunday and they've been harvesting souls and the harvesting is over and the harvested souls are all meandering out to their jesus mobiles.

And I puke two free mybloggers pork meat brats with mustard onto their lot. Hoark! Plop! Drool runs from my lips to the sun warmed ashpalt as I let go with a dry heave. Damn! I suddenly feel fine after bulimatizing that load of pig chunks.

I look up at the jesus people who are looking at me and I yell, OUT SATAN! OUT!. Then I scoot outta that megachurch lot.

so there.

posted on June 12, 2008 1:48 PM ()


comment by kristilyn3 on June 27, 2008 11:41 AM ()
Wow, that was a good one.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 18, 2008 12:30 PM ()
Oh man! I've NEVER thought puking was funny before, but reading this, I literally laughed until I cried!
comment by hayduke on June 17, 2008 9:31 AM ()
comment by lynnie on June 13, 2008 1:38 PM ()
comment by walkwithgrace on June 12, 2008 8:41 PM ()
Gross... but nice recover!
comment by mellowdee on June 12, 2008 2:40 PM ()
You know, I just found Best of Craigslist, so I haven't gotten to this one yet!

I don't think I know you (I have so many friends (online only) that I usually don't visit people I haven't read before. Thanks for the visit. Umm, when I visit, I usually make you a "friend" which is how I got so many friends!!
comment by sunlight on June 12, 2008 2:05 PM ()
comment by nittineedles on June 12, 2008 1:59 PM ()

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