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Life & Events > I AM Proud to Have Made it Through My Pride Weeken

I AM Proud to Have Made it Through My Pride Weeken

Oh what a weekend!  I felt like I was constantly in motion.  Friday night was a good party and I got to see some old friends that were visiting from out of town, Saturday I decided to stay home and relax a bit before going to the bar to help with the cooking.  It ended up kinda fun since I am a cook at heart. 

Sunday we went to the festival and had about an hour to blow before we had to pour beer so we decided to get a bite to eat but all the food vendors had long lines so we spent the whole hour waiting in line for a $5.00 hamburger that tasted like cardboard.  During that hour, people kept walking through the line right in front of us.  There was a lady in front of me in a wheelchair and apparently it was an open invitation for people to just cut through our line of people to get through.  At first it didn't bother me but the lack of food or just hormones started to get the better of me and I was really getting pissed off.  For one thing, only about 2% of the people who did it even said EXCUSE ME!!!  So I started saying it for them while they were trampling on my toes... "Excuse you, excuse you..."  getting a look from them like I had been the one to be rude.  Really?  What happened to manners and human compassion?  Thank God I taught my children to be considerate of others, we are a rare breed now a days.

Well we poured beer for about 5 hours and counted about 3000 cups.  I was pouring non-stop most of the time but it was still fun.  We think we won the contest because we actually ran out of beer at the end and all the other bars that were serving still had many to go through.  We should find out soon.
We didn't manage to stay up late enough for the employee party because we were just done after 3 days of running so we went home around 11:00 and crashed.  I slept until noon the next day then watched movies for a few hours before going to the library.  It was a nice relaxing day but all the sleep didn't help last night when I needed to sleep but couldn't.  I think I only got about an hour the whole night. 

I also spent most the weekend wearing a pink and black tu tu.  I won't tell you how it started or why but on my way out of the festival Sunday I heard a few people calling me the tu tu girl.... silliness.  Good thing Pride weekend is only once a year.

posted on June 10, 2008 12:51 PM ()


I think the world is lacking in manners and respect more than it ever was. People seem to have this sense of entitlement, like they're the only ones that matter... geeze. My Mom raised me to be polite and I am raising my kids to be polite. Some people only care about themselves and it shows.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 18, 2008 12:28 PM ()
People and their ignorance never fail to amaze me. I'm glad you had a good weekend despite the moronic line cutters.
comment by walkwithgrace on June 12, 2008 8:39 PM ()
You seem to really enjoy a good time!! I was going to read more because I read Deb's comment on your Profile Page. Will come back later to read...
comment by sunlight on June 12, 2008 2:08 PM ()
This sounds like a lot of fun -- except for the people stepping on your toes part! I can't stand line jumpers
comment by teacherwoman on June 12, 2008 12:19 PM ()
that sounds like alot of fun and work! I love festivals, but you are right it seems to bring out the rude in people.
comment by elkhound on June 11, 2008 6:50 AM ()
Ugh...I hate when people are so blatantly rude like that!! The tu-tu sounds awesome!
comment by mellowdee on June 10, 2008 3:15 PM ()
Can we please get a picture of that, Meranda?I have a tendency to say, "Of course you're excused!" in my most polite and sickeningly sweet voice to people who neglect to say "excuse me" which usually prompts them to say, "I didn't say excuse me"...and then blush.Serves 'em right!
comment by janetk on June 10, 2008 1:50 PM ()

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