I have been reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers the past couple days and let me tell you - "WOW" I am so addicted. I am on book 2 "New Moon" and yesterday while on my lunch hour @ work I started it. Then before I knew it my hour was up and I had to put it down. Well don't tell anybody but I left it sitting just behind my moniter open and wouldn't you know it!! It looked just like I was working when in reality I was reading. Shhhhhh. I told you not to tell. Anyway, I got about half way through it before I had to go home. Now I am itching to get to my lunch hour again to read some more.
I think I would like the other series that "true blood" on HBO came from so I will have to find them next.
OH WAIT - not until after the 11th cause you know what that day is?
Wally Lamb will FINALLY after YEARS and YEARS release his next book. I actually read the first chapter already and have it in a PDF form so if any of you are hard core Wally Lamb fans and cannot wait until the 11th, drop me a email and I will send it to you. Hint - it looks like it's about Columbine.
Also what a GREAT idea for reading at work!!!