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Life & Events > Work & 4th Weekend

Work & 4th Weekend

So, I kinda like the new job. It's kinda boring, but it's kinda nice when boss lady tells me - hey - no need to come in tomorrow! I then find my job to be THE BEST! haha

R and I went to the lake for the weekend of the 4th. It was amazingly awesome. Fireworks in every direction and even 2 doors down. Fun! We hit some wineries by day and fires by night. It's such a nice get a way.

There were renters next door who had a pitt bull looking dawg. She was adorable! I did go over and warn them that my dawg isn't always nice and that he's fear aggressive. I also said "Oh good, she's on a leash". That might have been the last time that dawg was on a leash...

She ended up running up and down the beach on a few occasions. She also ended up on our deck once while Kraymer was out. I was like ooooo shit! I used my sweet talkin voice to try to convince him that the dog flying at him was all good. It seemed to have worked because he was fine with the dog, and even with the people who came chasing after the dog. Nice. I was so proud of the boy!

Then I had taken Tucker out for a walk (R likes to sleep in late) and I was attaching Tucker to the leash on the porch. Apparently I didn't do that. Haha My brother looked at Tucker as he was walking by and said - Is he supposed to be loose? I was like OOOO SHIT and the chase was on. Tucker is a runner, fyi. Luckily after running down the street for a few minutes after him, he decided to poop, so I used that opportunity to grab him. *Phew*.

Anywho - overall it was a fantastical weekend, like most are up at the lake. I worked for two days, got a day off, then I will work another day and get two days off. This is the kinda work I can handle! haha

Happy Wednesday peeps!

posted on July 7, 2010 3:49 PM ()


I had to laugh at Tucker running. My Megan is a runner and if she gets loose, she will not stop until she gets to the next county. I had to put a chip in her in case she gets away. Other than that unexpected workout, sounds like it was a fun weekend.
comment by dragonflyby on July 14, 2010 7:33 AM ()
Oh so you have a runner as well!! It's so trying! I am always afraid he's going to get hit by a car... Glad you got Megan microchipped!!!
reply by kristilyn3 on July 14, 2010 12:44 PM ()
I got to catch up and find out what kind of new job your doing?
comment by firststarisee on July 11, 2010 9:26 PM ()
it's another admin job... nothing exciting.
reply by kristilyn3 on July 14, 2010 12:43 PM ()
I miss my two dogs, and often wish I had another, but....... I'll just read about your adventures!
comment by solitaire on July 10, 2010 6:14 AM ()
awe... why no puppy for you???
reply by kristilyn3 on July 14, 2010 12:42 PM ()
I want hours like that! Happy you enjoyed a wonderful weekend and that the new job isn't like all the previous ones.
comment by sexysadie on July 9, 2010 4:42 PM ()
it isn't that bad at all... it's kinda slow which is nice compared to what I am used to!
reply by kristilyn3 on July 14, 2010 12:42 PM ()
Sounds like Tucker gave you a workout. I am glad you had such a nice
fourth. Rex has gotten so spoiled that if Ted and I go out together, he
expects a doggie bag. He always checks his bowl and if there is nothing in it he goes to the bathroom and pouts.
comment by elderjane on July 8, 2010 6:27 AM ()
I love Rex. I can't stress that enough. He sounds like a super cool doggie! I am glad you think of him often enough that it's a pattern for him as well...
reply by kristilyn3 on July 8, 2010 7:35 AM ()
now that sounds like a job I could handle. glad you had a nice 4th, Kris.

yer petless and kinda glad of it now pal
comment by honeybugg on July 8, 2010 1:42 AM ()
yeah - it's a job anyone could handle...
reply by kristilyn3 on July 8, 2010 7:34 AM ()
Let's see... one day on, two days off, then a week vacation and a day's work and 2 days off..... yup, you'll be spending money faster than you can earn it!
comment by jjoohhnn on July 7, 2010 6:19 PM ()
hehe good point! I didn't get a week off tho.
reply by kristilyn3 on July 7, 2010 6:51 PM ()
Welcome to the neighborhood.Did they welcome you?Some easy job that you have there.
comment by fredo on July 7, 2010 3:53 PM ()
it's nice... for a job...
reply by kristilyn3 on July 7, 2010 4:57 PM ()

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