I wasn't too disturbed about not winning the lotto, even though I truly believed I would. I still had hopes of other jobs - which in all reality is a bit more realistic! hehe
Anywho, I called the place that is right by my house this afternoon to see what was up, since they were supposedly having interviews this week. I got voicemail so I left my message inquiring about my status. When I got back to work from lunch I had received a voicemail from them saying that I wasn't one of the few chosen for a second interview. :0( I was quite sad about that! I was daring to dream about a MUCH shorter commute! Oh well. Bummer.
I then emailed R and told him about it and that I was destined to work in a job that made me want to shoot myself for many years. He then sent me a link to apply for a position with the Obama administration. Huh! So I did apply. How exciting would that be??? After that I applied for a bunch of Federal positions. After that I checked my email and saw that an association (near where I work now) wants to interview me! Yay! So I still have two possible jobs on the table which does instill hope.
My goal was to have a new job by Thanksgiving. I have since changed it to a new job by the new year. I still believe that the latter is entirely possible.
Soooo as I sat in traffic for almost an hour (for my 6 mile drive home) I thought perhaps I didn't get the job closer to home for a reason. Perhaps it is all going to work out and I just have to stick it out in hell for a little longer.
Dare to dream! ;0)
At least you made it home